WATCH: Stomach-churning moment wriggling MAGGOTS are pulled out of schoolboy's ear

THIS disgusting video shows the moment a doctor removes a squirming maggot from a boy's ear.

14 LIVE maggots found in young boy's ear in Turkey

Mehmet Elmaz went to hospital after suffering from earache for more than a week.

The pain was so bad the seven-year-old could not even sleep.

His father, also called Mehmet Elmaz, took him to a specialist – who made a horrifying discovery.

Dr Cagri Derici CEN

Dr Cagri Derici sticks his tweezers into Mehmet Elmaz's ear to find the maggot

Maggots had been harvesting in his ear, with one rooted so deeply it had to be surgically removed.

A total of 14 were pulled out the schoolboy's ear canal.


The slimy larva thrashes around as it is pulled from the boy's ear

Mehmet's father said his son had been constantly scratching his ear and complaining about the pain.

He added: "I asked him what was going on, and he said his ear was itching, that something inside was moving.

Specialist Dr Cagri Derici of the hospital in Adana, Turkey, said he "could not believe" what he saw.

The doctor said young Mehmet is making a recovery but the hospital is curious as to how the larvae entered his ear in the first place.

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