SHOCK REPORT: North Korea exploiting nearly £1billion from 400,000 slave workers per year

THE North Korean regime exploits almost £1billion a year from its people by forcing them to work without any real salaries, a shocking new report by a South Korean civic group has claimed.

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North Korea is exploiting 400,000 slave workers out of £1billion a year

Through extensive interviews with 18 defectors who managed to escape their lives working in state-run construction sites, factories and plants, Seoul-based Open Radio North Korea unveiled a new report claiming that over £800million is plundered from an estimated 400,000 slave labourers annually. 

The runaways spoke of a government system called “troopers”, or “dolgyeokdae” in Korean, which supplies labour for the regime by recruiting orphans and underprivileged youngsters, who typically only have a middle school education or are of a weak physical condition, who are paid almost nothing for their work. 

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North Korea's slave workers are forced to work gruelling hours for very little pay

Park Kyung-ho, who defected in 2009 after having worked on a regime-run construction site for three years, spoke of the dire conditions he endured. 

He said: “I was not paid at all during my days at a first dolgyeokdae, and in the second one, I was made to carry some 75 kilograms of bricks all the way to the 20th floor every day, but with my pay I could only afford two candies or two packs of sweet potatoes.

“My goal was to enter the Workers’ Party because I thought people like me, with a poor background, had to battle my way, so I worked really hard. 

“But when I told a party executive about that, he said in a sorry voice it would be unlikely given my parents’ records. So I escaped, frustrated.” 

Another defector claimed that when the regime decided production should be increased, labourers would have to work from five in the morning through to midnight, in return for enough pay to buy just a few bowls of noodles. 

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Kim Jong-Un, North Korea's leader

The report claimed that workers are typically forced to follow military-like discipline for about a decade, suffering beatings and extreme hunger as well as the harsh labour, which sometimes results in injuries or even deaths due to a lack of essential equipment.

This abuse of workers, who are often children, is often reported as being one of the reasons being North Koreans’ growing discontent with the regime. 

This week, a rare survey distributed inside the highly secretive country found that the biggest sources of resentment towards the state were due to a crack-down on private businesses and forced labour mobilisation, with all of the people polled by the US based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) answering that state wages and rations were not enough to meet their needs.

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North Korea's slave labourers often work in state-run plants, factories and construction sites

While only 36 people were polled in the survey, which is one of the first to be conducted in the isolated country, they hailed from all over North Korea and ranged in age from 28 to 80 years old; with diverse careers including labourers, doctors, homemakers, barbers and factory workers. 

One of those polled claimed that in the 1990s, the state did provide him with sufficient rations, but that this is no longer the case - suggesting conditions for ordinary people in the country are worsening.

Sokeel Park, the Director of Research and Strategy at charity Liberty in North Korea, said the answers given in CSIS’ poll match his own observations of discontent based on his work with defectors, which he suggests means that despite the small sample size the study was not inaccurate.

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The report on the slave labour comes from a South Korean based NGO, Open Radio for North Korea

Mr Park said: “The findings released so far by CSIS very much tally with what we learn from North Korean defectors about social trends inside North Korea.

“This confirmation is valuable because North Korea is the most closed and difficult-to-research country in the world — particularly on public opinion — so it is useful to see that insights gained from current residents mirrors insights from those who have defected, even taking into account the methodology caveats.

“This also gives some support to the idea that defectors are not necessarily that unique in terms of their views and experiences compared to those around them who didn’t defect — rather the difference was that they had an escape route open to them and the risk tolerance to go through with it.”

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