'You never asked what WE want!' Villagers demand REFERENDUM after migrants housed nearby

FURIOUS villagers have plunged France's asylum system into chaos after demanding a vote on whether to kick out migrants re-homed in their neighbourhood.

Villagers demand REFERENDUM as migrants move in

Fuming neighbours have accused Paris of being heavy-handed and undemocratic and say they were never asked by authorities whether they wanted refugees in their community. 

Some 50 migrants have been re-homed in the small village of Allex, in the south-western province of Rhone-Alpes, which has a population of around 2,500 people. 

Villagers protesting in Allex, FranceFranceTVinfo

Villagers in France are calling for a referendum on migration

But their arrival has sparked deep divisions in the tiny countryside community, with angry locals marching on the mayor's office demanding that they be removed. 

Villagers in particular fear that their village could become "lawless" like Calais, where police confronted by more than 9,000 migrants have totally lost control of the port town. 

Police in the village of AllexFranceTVinfo

There is now a heavy police presence in the village of Allex

A village meeting in AllexFranceTVinfo

Villagers are furious that they weren't asked about re-homing refugees

Armed police have been stationed outside the refugees' housing and the local mayor says the situation is now so "explosive" that he has decided to call a referendum so residents can vote on their futures.

However, many in the village have now launched their own campaign to get the vote legally recognised by the government in Paris, arguing that the re-homing of the migrants was undemocratically imposed against their will. 

An online pressure group has been set up to put their case and they are now urging towns, villages and cities across the country to hold their own referenda on housing migrants. 

If successful they would make it virtually impossible for the government in Paris to redistribute recently arrived refugees across the country, bringing France's asylum system to its knees. 

Villagers protesting in AllexFranceTVinfo

Villagers marched to the mayor's office in protest

The mayor's office in AllexFranceTVinfo

The mayor has agreed to hold the referendum under intense public pressure

We have rights as French citizens and we want them to be respected

Villagers' Facebook group

Posting on Facebook the group of villagers accused Francois Hollande's administration of showing a lack of respect for local communities. 

They wrote: "We must have a referendum recognised in the eyes of the state. Allex will not suffer from decisions imposed by the state. 

"We must mobilise the world. We invite any municipality with the same problems to do something similar. “This is a national cause.”

Referring to the recent protest, they added: "The tensions would surely not be as strong if the population of Allex had been consulted earlier. 

"The French people should have had the right to say yes or no to such decisions. 

"We have rights as French citizens and we want them to be respected." 

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During a march through the village, at which the flag of the far-right Front National party were on display, locals chanted that refugees were "not wanted" and should go elsewhere. 

But there was also a counter demonstration of people welcoming migrants to their community, with one voter telling the mayor he was "stirring up tensions" by agreeing to the referendum demand. 

The French government has plans to demolish the crime-ridden Jungle camp in Calais and relocate most of its 6,000 plus inhabitants across the country. 

In particular ministers have earmarked small communities in southern areas of the country, like Allex, as ideal because they believe re-homing refugees there will discourage them from travelling back north and attempting once more to reach Britain.

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