Desperate Juncker calls for unity as European Union faces COLLAPSE following Brexit vote

THE European Union could be on the brink of collapse as a major chasm begins to open up between East and West member states in response to the Brexit vote.

Juncker: 'Europe cannot become a melting pot'

In what is tipped to be a controversial State of the Union speech today, European Commission President Jean Claude-Juncker will try and paper over the cracks of his crumbling empire.

Juncker’s shameless plea for unity is expected to include a reference to the murder of a Polish immigrant in Essex, raised as an example of the damage that nationalism can cause.



The European Union could be on its last legs as infighting grips the Brussels bloc post-Brexit

But the EU is now more divided than ever after several nations blamed the overbearing and authoritarian Commission for Brexit and called for greater independence.

Many leaders, including Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo, has ordered bureaucrats to make “deep reforms” that would see power taken away from Brussels.

Luxembourg’s foreign minister, Jean Asselborn, then claimed Hungary should be thrown out of the EU for what he deemed to be the country’s disgraceful attitude towards migrants.

In response, Hungary called Mr Asselborn “condescending and uppity”.

European UnionGETTY

Beata Szydlo demands Poland has greater autonomy and tighter border controls


Poland, Hungary, Luxembourg and Italy have all openly disagreed despite Juncker's unity plea

As the heated disagreements were unfolding, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi exclaimed that the EU would disintegrate if it failed to find a way of better controlling national borders and combatting inequality.

The Council’s President, Donald Tusk, has urged nations “not to rock the European boat” as the EU struggles to come to terms with the seismic shocks caused by Brexit.

In a letter published last night he warned leaders they cannot ignore the lessons of Brexit and must address concerns about migration.

The future of the European Union after Brexit

The EU has to change

Beata Szydlo

He wrote: ”It would be a fatal error to assume that the negative result in the UK referendum represents a specifically British issue.

"We do not have too much time to spare. Bratislava will have to be a turning point in terms of protecting the Union's external borders."

Polish leader Ms Szydlo demanded serious reform to the Union, saying: “The EU has to change.”

Poland and other Eastern countries want greater control over their own affairs and are refusing to accept the volume of migrants that the EU plan demands.

They want stronger EU borders and the establishment of refugee camps located close to the refugees’ home nations.

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