Rich but weak: EU needs to be brutally honest with itself or it will die, says Hungary PM

THE European Union (EU) is wealthy and powerful but faces breaking up due to its migrant crisis policy, Hungary's leader has warned.

Viktor Orban: 'We cannot allow illegal border crossings'

Viktor Orban said the actions of the higher echelons of the EU reflected neither the wishes of the people or of many member nation states.

Paying tribute to the British people and their decision to vote for Brexit he said: "I am not worried for the British people as we are talking about Europe's oldest democracy, a nuclear military power of inescapable importance, a member of the UN Security Council, and the world's fifth largest economy. They will find their new place in the world faster than we might think.

"Instead, we should worry about ourselves.

"The essence of Hungarian thinking is simple: the European Union is rich, but weak. This is the worst possible combination of qualities."

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Viktor Orban said the EU needs to look at itself carefully

The European Union is rich, but weak

Viktor Orban

He highlighted the agreement between the bloc and Turkey in a bid to stop an influx of people into Europe as symptomatic of the EU's "fragile" grip on pan-European politics.

Turkey is meant to take back Syrian refugees who have made the journey from Turkey to Greece and in return the country gets visa-free travel and cash, but fights over its terror policy have caused the agreement to all but break down.


Hungary put up a large fence on its border to stop the flow of migrants

Having built up a razor wire fence along Hungary's border with Serbia and Croatia last year, Mr Orban recently announced plans to build another to fortify the borders as he does not trust EU bosses to come up with a plan to quell the flow of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

The Hungarian PM gave a stark warning to Brussels he would battle against the bloc if EU chiefs tried to prevent the country from defending its borders as he said the flow of migrants into Europe via the Balkans could swell to levels seen last autumn.

Ukrainian arrested for people smuggling in Hungary

Explaining his decision, he said: "We want to defend the results we achieved in the past years with hard work in Hungary, which is why we cannot accept or allow illegal entry into Hungarian territory.

"We will prevent this with every resource."

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Mr Orban does not want any more migrants coming into Hungary

Alexander Graf LambsdorffGetty

EU Parliament vice-president Alexander Graf Lambsdorff was not complimentary about Hungary

The Hungarian Prime Minister is keen for greater European integration and expansion, supporting Serbia's bid to join.

However, the EU's inherent weakness could be its downfall, he said.

His most recent comments back up a headstrong resolve to be part of the EU but maintain control over his country - something which the majority of Britons decided was not possible when they voted to leave on June 23.

Writing in Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper weeks after the Brexit vote, he said: "For decades peace has reigned, and prosperity - even though not uniform - has made Europe the most desirable part of the world. Why do people feel such great doubt and antipathy?"

Mr Orban has announced a referendum for October 2 in which Hungarians will vote on EU plans to relocate refugees throughout Europe.

The decision to hold the vote is being seen by Europe as an effective in/out referendum similar to the one held in the UK in June.

But, with a Pew Research Centre survey revealing 61 per cent of Hungarians are in favour of the union - much higher than Germany or France - the vote is believed to be more of a PR exercise.

Despite that, the referendum has caused friction between Hungary and the bloc.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, vice-president of the European Parliament, said: "Hungary's relationship with the EU is difficult enough but the referendum makes it even more so."

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