French writer: Hollande is 'INVISIBLE' and Berlin's dominance unbalances Europe

AN IMBALANCE has been created in Europe because of Francois Hollande’s lack of leadership and Berlin’s dominance, a continental journalist has said.

French journalist says Europe is unbalanced

Both Mr Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are facing national elections in the next 12 months.

Mr Hollande’s poll ratings have plummeted in recent months while Mrs Merkel is facing domestic criticism over her handling of the migrant crisis.

Christine Ockrent, a journalist and former boss at France 24 TV, told Radio 4’s Today programme: “President Hollande is very much discredited in the polls.

“Nobody even knows if he will be able to run our presidential election, which will take place next May.”

Hollande and MerkelGETTY

Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel are facing tough issues at home and abroad

She continued: “The political atmosphere is electric.”

When asked if Brexit was having an impact on France, she said: “It is quite amazing that more than two months after the referendum the [British] government does not seem to know how to start handling the process.

“It will have an impact on [France’s] political saga.

“It stresses the fact that Francois Hollande has been invisible on the European scene.

“And the unbalance with Berlin has been one of the major factors in my view of the weakening of the European process.”


Mrs Merkel visits at migrant shelter and school in Berlin in 2015

And the unbalance with Berlin has been one of the major factors in my view of the weakening of the European process

French journalist Christine Ockrent

On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron resigned from Mr Hollande’s government and is now favoured ahead of the current president to run in next year’s election.

Reuters reports a third of French voters want Mr Macron to run – over double those who want to see Mr Hollande seek re-election.

Even if a majority don't support a Macron candidacy, he is in a better place than Hollande," director of political studies at Elabe, who carried out the poll for BFMTV Yves-Marie Cann said.

In Germany, a for Mrs Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union party she leads.

The CDU slipped to 33 per cent, two points down from the previous week and eight points down from a year ago.

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The right-wing, anti-immigration party the Alternative for Germany party has reached its second-highest level this year.

Mrs Merkel has continued to stand by her position on Germany’s open door to refugees and migrants fleeing war in the Middle East.

She said: “So many refugees want to come to Germany or Austria or Sweden because they are treated well here, according to our values and principles.

“This is reflected in our constitution and our laws, our liberty, our democracy, in our overwhelming commitment to a social market economy. All this will not change.

“Do we stand by what out constitution says about human dignity? Do we stand by our claim to be humanitarians? Do we stand by the very core of our European and foreign policy? 

“This is what it is about. We have to do it.”

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