Fury as EU creates £5.8bn slush fund for Africa, Balkans and Middle East building projects

EU diplomats are to vote to agree a £5.8billion taxpayer funded slush fund to build schools and hospitals in Libya and Egypt next week.

Eu plans to spend billions in countries outside of its area GETTY

The EU is planning on spending billions on infrastructure projects outside of Europe

According to reports the European investment bank is planning to lend taxpayers' money for these projects in the next five years as the EU also plans to ask member states to invest grants in the regions. 

The countries of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya are to be the main beneficiaries of the EU cash injection.

While countries in the Western Balkans, such as Serbia and Albania will also be able to access the credit facility being proposed by the bank which was established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome. 

The apparently policy-driven bank, whose shareholders are the member states of the EU, lent £4.47bn to Greece over the past five years.

The EU is planning to spend billions GETTY

Flags fly outside of the European Union HQ in Brussels

We already have a huge foreign aid budget although sadly much of that is lost in the system to corruption

Ukip MEP Jane Collins

However their investment was called into question after the country teetered on the verge of bankruptcy last year. 

According to reports the EIB president Werner Hoyer said: "It is imperative to also support those countries that have taken in large numbers of refugees.

"To master the refugee crisis and the humanitarian challenges the EU now has to make concrete proposals instead of ideas.

"Should our proposal be accepted, we could start in just a couple of weeks but we need more grants and guarantees."

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Werner HoyerGETTY

EU President Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel and European Investment Bank Werner Hoyer

The grants are being earmarked for infrastructure investments in the hope that the countries will be able to replicate public private partnership projects that have become controversial in the UK.

The vote will take place in Brussels next week according to EU diplomats high. 

But Ukip MEP Jane Collins says that this investment guarantee comes at the expense of British taxpayers' who are footing the bill while their own education and health systems suffer from their membership of the EU.

MEP Jane CollinsGETTY

Jane Collins speaking at the UKIP Spring Conference

Ms Collins said: "As a cancer survivor I know how crucial treatments times are to any patient and to think that our money which could be used in the NHS to cut waiting times is being sent abroad makes me feel sick. 

"And what about those children suffering from large class sizes or unable to get to a school close to them - does the government think they are not entitled to that money but children in the Middle East and Africa are?

"We already have a huge foreign aid budget although sadly much of that is lost in the system to corruption. 

"So surely the focus should be on getting that allocation of money to the right places rather than spending our taxes chucking more money abroad when there are people in the UK who need it?

"Anyone thinking of voting remain should think about the future of our children and the NHS before supporting a project which cares nothing for us except as a means of funding." 

UK finance minister: EU budget deal a result for Britain

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