Did this bullfighter risk his baby’s life?

THIS picture of a matador taking his five-month-old daughter into the ring has divided opinion in a country already split by the controversial sport

Rivera and his child with a bullGETTY

Rivera was criticised for posting a picture of holding his child during a bullfight

Lots of people take their children to work with them. But not soldiers, firemen or bull-fighters. That is why this astonishing picture of a top matador carrying his five-month-old daughter under one arm has provoked worldwide outrage on the internet and caused a seismic rift in Spain. Half the country says he should be prosecuted for endangering her life while the other half defends him for upholding a centuries-old bullfighting tradition. 

When Francisco Rivera Ordonez posted the photo to his 60,000 followers on the internet he was like any other proud father marking a milestone in a child’s life. Except being held inches from a bleeding young bull is hardly on a par with baby’s first steps, first communion or first day at school. 

Rivera, 42, is called “the David Beckham of bullfighting” in a country where top matadors are treated like rock stars and can earn £75,000 a fight, often doing 30 or 40 in a year. He knows all too well the dangers . Last August a bull speared him in the stomach and drove its horn 10 inches into his body, reaching his spine. He has been recovering from the injury ever since. 

So taking baby daughter Carmen into the ring in white leggings, blue coat and a bobble hat was not just about an ancient ritual, it was also about Rivera’s need to show his fans that his courage and skill have not deserted him.

Under the picture Rivera wrote a caption saying: “Carmen’s debut, this is the fifth generation that fights bulls in our family. My grandfather fought bulls like this with my father. My father fought bulls like this with me and I’ve done it with my daughters Cayetana and now with Carmen.” 

The angry reaction took only minutes. Animal rights activists branded him “irresponsible” and “an idiot” although no one asked about the bull’s welfare. The Andalusian Children’s Ombudsman declared the photo showed “a situation of unnecessary risk to a minor.” Then the authorities referred the case to prosecutors. 

On social media a torrent of abuse was directed at Rivera and his beautiful 32-year-old wife Lourdes Montes. “Putting your daughter in danger – even if it is a calf – I don’t understand,” wrote one person. “If I were your wife I’d kill you,” said another. 

One tweet said: “Rivera is an irresponsible and reckless father and Lourdes Montes too. With all that hurt to give birth to a child.” Another said: “Children at a bullfight? Wait until there’s an accident or death because of you idiots.” One declared: “How horrible. I don’t know what kind of mother allows this with her daughter.” Another wrote: “The life of his daughter obviously doesn’t matter to him, let alone animals’ lives.” 

Rivera bullfightingGETTY

Francisco Rivera Ordonez posted the photo to his 60,000 followers on the internet

Rivera bullfightingGETTY

Rivera is one of the world's most celebrated matadors

She is never going to be safer than she is in my arms

Francisco Rivera Ordonez

British comedian Ricky Gervais – an animal rights campaigner – tweeted that Rivera “sorta fused animal abuse with child abuse” then added that bullfighting was “mental, dangerous and cruel. With or without a baby ”. 

Fellow bullfighters angrily supported Rivera by posting pictures of other children in the ring. Raul Gracia tweeted: “From small they live in a real world with education, values, effort and sacrifice.” Manuel El Cordobés Díaz wrote: “What’s the problem here? I feel proud of this and do not believe it is a crime to teach values to a daughter.” 

Rivera also hit back, commenting: “She is never going to be safer than she is in my arms. My daughter has never been safer. I’m a bullfighter, I live for this and I dedicate 365 days a year to it. She didn’t face the slightest danger for even a second.” 

Government ministers in Madrid saw it differently. Alfonso Alonso, the acting minister of social security, said: “It isn’t right in any circumstances to put a child at risk.” And María José Sánchez, the equality minister, said: “A fi reman wouldn’t dream of taking a child to put out a fi re nor would a football player run around with a child in their arms during a match.” 

This was like a red rag to a bull for Rivera who straight away posted on the internet a picture of himself as a child on his father’s back with the caption: “History repeats itself. The best legacy alive, feeling, purity, honour.” 

His father was the acclaimed bullfighter Francisco Rivera Pérez, also known as Paquirri, who was fatally gored by a bull in 1984 at the age of 36 and was then declared to be a saint and a martyr by the Catholic Church. 

Rivera and his wifeGETTY

His wife, Lourdes Beatriz Montes Parejo, has also come under fire

The link between bullfighting and religion is powerful and when Rivera was speared by a bull last summer, as he lay bleeding in the sand he shouted theatrically, “Long live the Virgin of El Rocío!” – the martyr name given to his dead father. Rivera was just 10 when his father was killed in the ring. 

Rivera senior was confirmed a saint after video footage was released of him bravely bleeding to death but unconcerned for his own fate, comforting a visibly panicking doctor who had no way of saving him. As the Spanish say: “En las corridas de toros , la muerte es una forma de vida” – in bullfighting death is a way of life. 

Just as in Formula One motor-racing, massive improvements to medical facilities have reduced the number of deaths and surgeons are on standby at ringside. No one has exact statistics for the casualty rate because in Spain bullfighting is run by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and they only count how many bullfights take place (661 in 2013) but they don’t record the injuries incurred. 

However the Spanish media keeps an unofficial tally and says that in the 2013 season 31 matadors received horn wounds, some life-threatening and 16 of their assistants (picadors on horseback, banderilleros on foot) were injured. However 2015 was a bloody year for amateurs, with 13 deaths of young men running the bulls down narrow streets. Worldwide, the last matador to die was Colombian José Eslava Caceres, who was trapped against the edge of the ring in 1987 and was pierced in the lung when the bull charged him.

Manuel Diaz bullfightingGETTY

Fellow bullfighter Manuel Diaz supported Ordonez on Twitter

Bullfighting has been outlawed in Catalonia and the Canary Islands but in Andalucia and around Barcelona it remains a national sport second only to football. It is a “supremely dangerous art”, says Garry Marvin, professor of human-animal studies at Roehampton University. “If a normal person got into the ring with a fi ghting bull I would expect them to be severely gored or dead in a few moments.” 

The writer Ernest Hemingway – who idolised Rivera’s grandfather, the matador Antonio Ordóñez, in his novel The Dangerous Summer – once said: “Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter’s honour.” 

It is that honour which is being upheld by Rivera and his colleagues. They believe that bull- fighting is little different from horse riding, yachting or mountain climbing . When you know what you are doing the risks are not as high as they seem. In fact the only one guaranteed not to leave the bull-ring alive is the bull.

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