Merkel's nightmare: Almost half of Germans NOW FEAR refugees after Cologne attacks

NEW opinion polls show almost half of Germans fear refugees following the New Year's Eve sexual frenzy in Cologne.

Group of refugees walking in a fieldGETTY

New polls suggest a majority of Germans fear refugees following the New Year's Cologne attacks

The survey also revealed many now doubt the country's ability to cope with the one million plus migrants who have arrived since last year.

Public broadcaster ZDF carried out a survey which found 60 percent of respondents believing Germany cannot cope with those who have arrived so far - up 14 percent since a similar survey early in December before the Cologne outrages.

On the last day of the year rampaging mobs of refugees assaulted over 500 women in and around Cologne railway station, sexually molesting and robbing them while police stood helplessly by.

It was a disastrous torpedo to the heart of Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door policy to refugees and her popularity: the ZDF poll also showed that 56 percent of the people it quizzed are now dissatisfied with her refugee policies, a seven percent leap from the samde poll in December.

Seven out of 10 Germans now fear the influx will lead to more crime, compared to 62 percent quizzed in October, while 42 percent claim the nation's "cultural values" are at risk from the newcomers.

DeutschlandTrend for the state TV company ARD also polled people on Friday and found 51 percent of German adults said they no longer believe Mrs Merkel's repeated claim - "we will manage" - in dealing with the refugees. This is a three percent spike over a similar poll in October.

Forty eight percent of those quizzed by ARD said they were afraid of refugees.

Angela MerkelGETTY

More Germans now doubt Angela Merkel's, and the country's, ability to cope with the migrants

sign in shop window advertising cs gasGETTY

A sign in a shop window asks 'do you feel safe' and offers CS gas for sale

By Friday morning criminal complaints over the Cologne attacks reached 652 including 331 sex-related crimes.

At the weekend police launched massive raids involving 300 officers on clubs and bars frequented by North African men in the city of Duesseldorf near Cologne, arresting 20.

After the Cologne attacks it was revealed that gangs of youths from Morocco and Algeria had carried out a string of attacks similar to those in Cologne over many months in the city.

Large group of refugees walking down roadGETTY

Several other attacks have occured within Cologne by Moroccan and Algerian youths over many months

A special police squad named Casablanca was assigned to probe the many robberies and sexual assaults.

On Saturday in Cologne there was a peaceful protest by refugees outside the station organised by Syrian Sakher Al-Mohamad who has lived in Germany for a year.

The 100 participants carried banners decrying sexism and calling for justice for the victims of the December 31 assaults.

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