Nowhere to hide: Iraqi PM signals march on Mosul as he vows to crush ISIS within a YEAR

ISLAMIC State (ISIS) will be wiped off the face of the earth within a YEAR, Iraq's Prime Minister pledged today, as his forces completed their rout of jihadi forces in one of the country's biggest cities.

Iraqi troops raise their countries flag above the Government complex in RamadiAFP

Victory! Iraqi troops raise their countries flag above the Government complex in Ramadi

The Iraqi flag flew high above the Government complex in Ramadi for the first time in 18 months today after the army, helped by Western airstrikes, completely drove the Islamist fanatics from the city. 

In a rousing speech jubliant Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi vowed that his troops will press on not resting until the evil terrorist group - also known as Daesh - has been wiped from the history books.

He roared: "2016 will be the year of the big and final victory, when Daesh's presence in Iraq will be terminated. We are coming to liberate Mosul and it will be the fatal and final blow to Daesh." 

Mosul, which was once Iraq's second city, is ISIS' last major stronghold in the country. But it is cut off from the terrorists' de facto capital in neighbouring Syria and is now completely surrounded, with Iraqi forces pushing up from the south and Kurdish Peshmerga troops descending in numbers from the north.

Iraqi troops celebrate after liberating RamadiAFP

Iraqi troops celebrate after liberating Ramadi

Two commandos hug after the battle for the city is wonAFP

Relief: Two commandos hug after the battle for the city is won

Campaigners have taunted the jihadi hate group on Twitter with the hashtag #MosulNext, pledging to liberate the city which has been the scene of some of ISIS' worst war crimes. 

With the increasingly desperate terrorist group haemorraghing territory in both Iraq and northern Syria, its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a bizarre audio recording over Christmas welcoming the defeats as a "blessing from Allah" and calling for more recruits.

The crazed jihadi leader released a rambling message just hours after the Iraqi army liberated Ramadi, around 80 miles west of Baghdad, and Kurdish troops recaptured a key dam in Syria.

Iraqi troops celebrate in RamadiAFP

The liberation of Ramadi is the Iraqi army's first major victory over ISIS

Iraqi troops celebrating with their flag in RamadiAFP

The Iraqi army will now press northwards towards the ISIS stronghold of Mosul

2016 will be the year of the big and final victory

Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi

There were jubilant scenes in Ramadi today as locals freed from ISIS' tyrannical rule celebrated with Iraqi special forces troops in the streets. The country's striped flag in black, white and red colours was seen everywhere, with the symbolic moment coming when it was raised once more over the main government complex which had become ISIS' stronghold in the city. 

Announcing the victory Brigadier General Yahya Rasool said: "Yes, the city of Ramadi has been liberated. The Iraqi counter terrorism forces have raised the Iraqi flag over the government complex." 

If the government retains control of Ramadi, which was seized by Islamic State fighters in May, it would become the first city recaptured by Iraq's US-trained army since it infamously fled from the hardline militants in June 2014.

The victory was seen as such a pivotal moment in the war that it prompted the increasingly reclusive Baghdadi, who has not been seen in public in more than a year, to break his silence with a garbled message to ISIS supporters. 

In the bizarre recording the terorrist supremo insisted his so-called Caliphate is "fine and expanding" and brushed off its recent calamitous defeats as a "blessing from Allah". 

A recent study revealed that ISIS' territories have shrunk by a sixth in the last year alone, with Western and Russian airstrikes taking a devastating toll on the jihadi fighters. 

Iraq: Army retake Islamic State stronghold Ramadi

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