Paris attacks jihadi who blew himself up came to Europe as fake ASYLUM SEEKER

A JIHADI terrorist who blew himself up outside the Stade de France during the Paris attacks entered Europe as an asylum seeker via Greece.


The man has been identified by M al Mahmod, although police have not confirmed this

French police are desperately trying to identify the man believed to have helped carry out the atrocities which left 130 dead and more than 360 injured during six co-ordinated attacks across the capital on November 13.

A picture of the alleged terrorist has been released leading him to be identified as a man calling himself M al Mahmod on identity papers he handed to Greek authorities.

It is believed he bought ferry tickets with Ahmad al Mohammad, the jihadi from Idlib in Syria believed to have been a fellow attacker.

His name was on a Syrian passport found on the body of one of the attackers and is thought to have entered Europe after arriving by boat on the Greek island of Leros, along with tens of thousands of refugees fleeing Syria's bloody civil war.


Police have released the suspects picture in a bid to identify him

The revelation comes as the main Paris gunman suspect, Salah Abdeslam, is hunted by police in Belgium after police put Brussels on lockdown for the third day in a row amid fears of a Paris-style attack.

Friends said he was in the Brussels area and is trying to escape to Syria, but so far he has managed to evade authorities.

It is thought Abdeslam was spotted at a police checkpoint on the E40 motorway in Liege on Sunday but escaped in a black BMW, heading towards Germany.


Floral tributes have been left at the six places terrorists attacked on November 13

If this is the case, it will be the second time he has slipped the net after he was allowed through a roadblock on the morning of the Paris attacks because officers were unaware of his alleged involvement.

Six Pakistani-born British men were arrested after being spotted in old ambulances near a petrol station regularly used by Abdeslam, close to the capital on Saturday.

The vehicles were stuffed full of clothes, food and money, raising suspicions the men may have been heading to Syria.

Brussels remained a ghost town as residents were ordered to stay away from crowded places and guests at the Radisson Blu hotel and Hotel Windsor Grande Place were told to stay indoors while soldiers stood guard outside the buildings on Sunday.

terrorist suspectsGetty

(Top L-R)Samy Amimour, unknown, Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Bottom L-R) Salah Abdeslam, Bilal Hadfi, unknown

Police requested a "radio silence" on social media with regards to the operation's details, leading Belgians to get a small amount of light relief as they posted pictures of their cats dressed up instead with the hashtag, #BrusselsLockdown.

Belgian prosecutor Eric Van Der Sypt thanked social media users for taking heed of their request as police last night carried out 22 anti-terror raids - 19 in the Brussels area and three in Charleroi.

Sixteen people in total were arrested and no weapons or explosives were found during the raids.

Police fired two shots at a car approaching a roadblock in the Molenbeek district of Brussels before arresting the wounded driver.

A judge will decide today whether to keep those arrested in custody.

Schools and the Brussels Metro remain shut today as the capital was placed under the highest terror threat warning.

Scenes after Paris Shooting (Cafe 1)

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