Al-Qaeda leader threatens new wave of terror attacks against BRITAIN in chilling broadcast

THE Al-Qaeda leader has called for a new wave of sickening terror attacks against the West in a chilling propaganda broadcast.

Ayman al-ZawahiriIG•GETTY

Ayman al-Zawahiri released a chilling broadcast on Sunday

Terror chief Ayman al-Zawahiri claimed the twisted group's main target is the United States due to its continued support for Israel.

But it is feared Britain could be targeted, with al-Zawahiri mentioning the 7/7 terror attacks which killed 52 commuters in London a decade ago.

He also praised Palestinians who are carrying out terrifying stabbing attacks across Israel. 

The 16-minute audio file – entitled We Shall Unite to Liberate Jerusalem – has been spread across social media by supporters of the terror group since Sunday.

The terrorist leader, who has a £16million bounty on his head, also mentioned "the attacks in Madrid, Bali, London and Paris".

Some 191 people were killed on trains in Madrid by an an al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist cell in 2004 – a year before the London attacks.

London bombingsGETTY

Al-Qaeda terrorists killed 52 commuters in London in 2005

London bombingsGETTY

The 7/7 blasts brought the capital to a standstill

More than 200 – including many tourists – died in a series of bombings on the Indonesian island of Bali in 2004.

And Islamist gunmen murdered 11 people at the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo earlier this year.

Al-Zawahiri previously cited the Paris killers – who belonged to Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen – in earlier broadcasts. 

He also urged his followers to "liberate Palestine" while facing down "American-European-Russian-Shiite-Alawite aggression".

In August he pledged Al-Qaeda's allegiance to the Taliban after the death of its leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.  

7/7: What We Know

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