ISIS cannot be defeated without troops on the ground, retired SAS hero warns

ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) cannot be beaten unless Western powers or Russia send in a huge invasion force to wipe it out, an SAS veteran has claimed.

British troops, right, and ISIS fighters, leftGETTY/IG

ISIS can only be defeated with boots on the ground, it has been claimed

Former special forces soldier Phil Campion said only a boots on the ground campaign can weed the jihadis out of their strongholds in Syria and Iraq. 

The experienced soldier, who has been filming a documentary with Kurdish peshmerga troops fighting ISIS, said no amount of airstrikes can ever fully obliterated the hated Islamist fanatics. 

Russia and the West have been bombarding ISIS strongholds in Syria and Iraq, reportedly causing huge casualties to the group's crumbling Caliphate. 

But the SAS veteran said: “Airstrikes alone are not enough to win a war like this. At some stage somebody’s got to get in the weeds and get messy.”

ISIS fightersIG

Airstrikes will not be enough to defeat ISIS, an SAS veteran said

Mr Campion said Kurds fighting ISIS in northern Iraq were full of courage but lacked basic equipment and weapons to ultimately win the fight against the jihadis. 

He told Sky News: "To say that these people need kit is an understatement. The only thing that evens this fight up at all is the fact that these guys are so game and willing to fight because otherwise I wouldn’t be here, this would be ruled by IS already.

“Air power only does half the job. The Peshmerga or somebody has actually got to go down there and sort it out.” 

A Kurdish soldier fires his machine gunGETTY

The Kurdish peshmerga have been fighting the jihadis

Drone footage of a Russian airstrikeGETTY

Russia has launched a barrage of airstrikes against ISIS

Air power only does half the job

SAS veteran Phil Campion

Kurdish militias who have launched a stalwart defence against jihadi fanatics have themselves been accused of carrying out forced relocations which amount to war crimes.

Amnesty International claim that Kurds have been clearing out villages recaptured from ISIS because they suspect their residents of supporting the Islamist hate group. 

Lama Fakih, Senior Crisis Advisor at the global charity, warned: “By deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds, the Autonomous Administration is abusing its authority and brazenly flouting international humanitarian law, in attacks that amount to war crimes." 

Syria: Russian airstrikes hit ISIS fuel depot

Last week it emerged that Russian president Vladimir Putin is planning to send a 150,000-strong force into Syria to wipe out ISIS' de facto capital Raqqa. 

An elite Russian special forces unit - the Spetsnaz - have already been sent into the war-torn country to hunt down packs of fleeing jihadis.

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