We'd prefer Christian refugees, Cyprus says – because they adjust better to life

CYPRUS would prefer to accept Christian refugees under a new European Union plan to tackle the crisis, an official has revealed.

Syrian refugeesANADOLU•GETTY

Cyprus is willing to take 300 refugees fleeing the Middle East

The island is only willing to take up to 300 refugees fleeing the nearby Middle East.

And interior minister Socratis Hasikos said he would "prefer" them to be Orthodox Christians – because it would be easier for them to adjust to life.

He said: "We have already stated that 260, a maximum of 300, people can be taken in. Everyone [in the EU] should pitch in."

We would seek for them to be Orthodox Christians – that's what we would prefer

Socratis Hasikos

He added: "We would seek for them to be Orthodox Christians.

"It's not an issue of being inhuman or not helping if we are called upon, but to be honest, yes, that's what we would prefer."

Slovakia and the Czech Republic have also said they would prefer Christians under the EU's new resettlement scheme.

Beach in CyprusAFP•GETTY

Cyprus joined the European Union in 2004

European Commission president Jean-Claude Junker has drew up the plan, which will see 160,000 refugees relocated around the continent.

Under the controversial scheme, asylum seekers stranded in Italy, Greece and Hungary will be transferred to member states.

Germany, France and Spain are expected accept tens of thousands – but Britain has refused to join the scheme.

Cyprus, which joined the EU in 2004, has a large population of Orthodox Christians in the south and Sunni Muslims in the north.

Refugees tend to avoid the island because it is isolated compared to the rest of the EU and difficult to exit.

Syrian refugees plot Cyprus escape as camp closes

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