As Jon Stewart reveals Daily Show exit... we present his top comments on British politics

COMEDIAN Jon Stewart has announced he is quitting the American satirical programme The Daily Show.

jon stewart on the daily showGETTY

Jon Stewart is quitting The Daily Show

The comedian revealed on air that he will leave later this year, saying that it has been "an absolute privilege" to host the show.

He told his audience: "This show doesn't deserve an even slightly restless host and neither do you."

He added: "I'm going to miss being on television every day. I'm going to miss coming here every day.

"I love the people here. They're creative and collaborative and kind.

"It's been the honour of my professional life, and I thank you for watching it, for hate-watching it, whatever reason you are tuning in for."

jon stewart on the daily showGETTY

It is not clear when his departure date will be

Stewart has been at the helm of the show since 1999, and has seen the programme become well-known for poking fun at politicians and public figures.

It has also been the launch pad for several well-known comic performers - such as Steve Carell, John Oliver and Stephen Colbert - and has often been cited as a top news source for young people.

The host has yet to reveal the exact date of his departure or what he plans to do next.

Stewart broke into show business by doing stand-up comedy in New York before taking his satirical sense of humour to The Jon Stewart Show on MTV in 1993.

Last year he made his directorial debut with the feature film Rosewater.

Comedy Central president Michele Ganeless paid tribute to Stewart's contribution.

She said in a statement: "Through his unique voice and vision, The Daily Show has become a cultural touchstone for millions of fans and an unparalleled platform for political comedy that will endure for years to come."

In honour of Stewart's 16 years hosting The Daily Show, have rounded up his five best comments on British politics...

Jon Stewart interviewing US President Barack ObamaGETTY

Stewart interviewing US President Barack Obama


Last year saw the UK Parliament vote in favour of US-led airstrikes on Islamic State (IS) targets in Iraq.

The support was sealed by 524 votes to 43 - a majority of 481 - but it was not the staggering landslide win that surprised Stewart.

Speaking in September 2014, the Daily Show comedian was utterly flabbergasted that the debate over airstrikes ever happened in the first place.

After being shown clips titled 'UK considers airstrikes in Iraq', Stewart questioned: "Lawmakers debate the issue?

"Cameron, what are you doing? You don't have to put up with that answering questions s***.

"You just walk out onto your lawn, you say we're bombing somewhere and you go back inside. Bada-bing, bada-literal-boom.

"What are you doing? What is there even to talk about?"


Stewart has his own unique opinion when it came to the debate over gay marriage being legalised in the UK.

The legislation to allow same-sex marriage in England was passed in Parliament in July 2013 and came into effect in March 2014.

Before the ruling was passed, the American funny man labelled the prospective new law as: 'Keep Calm and Marry On'.

Then in July 2013, he poked fun at the way Britain conducted their seemingly polite debates and the lack of scare tactics used when compared to the US.

He jested: "Tories, I know the stakes are lower over there because Britain doesn't have hurricanes every time two dudes kiss, but try it once more, and this time put some feeling into it!…

"Five hours of debate and not one mention of the slippery slope of incestuous paedophile orgies?"

jon stewartGETTY

Stewart has become well-known for poking fun at politicians


The phone hacking scandal in 2011 may have torn through the British media, but Stewart saw a more funny side to the investigation.

After being shown footage of raucous politicians in the House of Commons, Stewart said: “That’s your C-Span?… England is awesome!"

Stewart then praised David Cameron for getting "down in the pit taking on all comers" before poking fun at British traditions.

He joked: “Here’s what’s sad. We fought so hard to leave Britain, because of their unaccountable imperial leadership. And now look at us.

“You know what we gotta do in this country? Start drinking some mother******* tea and eat some mother******* finger sandwiches.”

Parts of the episode were subsequently banned in the UK for showing segments of the House of Commons in a comical light.


After the banning of the episode, Stewart used the following edition of the Daily Show to release a furious statement.

By contrast, 84 other countries in the world were allowed to watch the Daily Show Global Edition.

During his statement, he questioned whether our Parliament is "too fragile to withstand a gentle parody, a good-natured kick to the clotted creams?"

He added: "Here's the thing. I've seen the shit you air on Channel 4.

"It's basically a non-stop suck-and-f*** fest of teenage shagging, gay orgies and live autopsies..."


Britain is no stranger to public transport meltdowns and barely bats an eyelid when yet another industrial strike is announced.

When drivers from East Midlands Trains revealed plans for a three-day strike in August 2012, Stewart could not resist having his say during an Olympics-themed segment of the Daily Show.

He said: "Public transportation is where London really shines, especially the East Midlands' trains.

"Ask any Londoner, he'll tell you - nothing beats the old East Midlands train line."

He raised a toast with a colleague, and said: "To the East Midlands line - the greatest line in her majesty's realm."

The pair were then interrupted by a news clip detailing the planned strike, causing Stewart to spit out his drink and shout: "What?! How did you run an empire for 300 years?"

Thankfully train drivers' union Aslef saw the funny side, and a spokesman said: "Aslef takes Jon Stewart's lampooning of the Brits in the spirit in which it was clearly intended - as a bit of pre-Olympic fun.

The Daily Show - Race-Off

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