Who is Maulana Fazlullah? A look at the 'Radio Mullah' behind Pakistan school attack

THIS is the mastermind behind the horrific Pakistan school attack, which saw 148 children and teachers brutally killed.

Maulana Fazlullah (R) was behind the Peshawar school attackAP

Maulana Fazlullah (R) was behind the Peshawar school attack

Maulana Fazlullah, nicknamed the 'Radio Mullah' for his regular radio broadcasts, is the leader of Pakistan's Taliban.

Born in Pakistan's Swat Valley, Fazlullah married the daughter of Sufi Muhammad, the founder of militant Islamist group Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi. 

He served as leader of the group before becoming the Taliban's leader in the Swat Valley.

The militant, who is thought to be around 40, started an illegal local radio station in 2006.

He regularly broadcasted sermons calling for Sharia law to be implemented and for those who did not follow it to be punished.

Fazlullah led a drive to eradicate things it perceived as vices, such as music, dancing and "major sources of sin" such as TVs, computers and CDs, by burning them and shops which sold them.

A soldier looks at a bullet-ridden wall inside the schoolEPA

A soldier looks at a bullet-ridden wall inside the school

He has also supported attacks on teams of medics running polio vaccination programs, claiming that aid workers were trying to convert locals and spy for foreign countries.

Fazlullah opposes education for women and allowing women to vote and supported the shutting down and destruction of schools which taught girls after the Taliban banned female education in the Swat region.

Fazlullah first hit the headlines in 2012 for ordering the assassination of Malala Yousafzai, one of this year's Nobel Peace Prize winners.

As a schoolgirl, Malala kept a blog for the BBC detailing her life living in Pakistan's Swat Valley under the Taliban.

She was also involved in several documentaries and was awarded Pakistan's first ever National Youth Peace Price.

Malala Yousafzai was the target of a failed Taliban assassinationPA

Malala Yousafzai was the target of a failed Taliban assassination

Despite repeated warnings and death threats, determined Malala continued with her work and two years ago she was the target of a Taliban assassination attempt in response to her activism, when gunmen boarded her bus as she rode home from school and shot her in the head.

Miraculously she survived her wounds and, once stable, was brought to Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital for treatment and she now lives there with her family following further death threats in her homeland.

In his latest atrocity, Fazlullah masterminded an attack on a school in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Six militants reportedly dressed as army soldiers entered the school and shot at teachers and children.

Some reports claimed that teachers who tried to protect their classes were burned alive.

Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, yesterday announced an end to a moratorium on the death penalty for convicted terrrorists following the attack.

Silent classes, bloody notebooks after Pakistan school massacre

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