The world's 10 poorest countries - 9 in same continent

These nations are grappling with a combination of conflict, climate change, and economic instability.

Aerial view to Hargeisa, biggest city of Somaliland Somalia

Nine of the world's poorest countries are in Africa (Image: Getty)

A recent report from Concern Worldwide has highlighted which are the world’s 10 poorest countries - and revealed that nine of them are in Africa

These nations are grappling with a combination of conflict, climate change, and economic instability, with millions of people living below the poverty line. 

The list paints a stark picture of global inequality, where political unrest and environmental crises continue to hamper development efforts. 

Here's a closer look at the countries facing the deepest economic challenges in 2024.

Hargeisa city downtown central street panorama with mosque and road full of cars, Somaliland, Somalia

Somalia is at the top of the list as the world's poorest country (Image: Getty)

1. Somalia

At the top of the list, Somalia has been crippled by decades of crisis, including severe droughts, conflict, and weak governance.

Over 70 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, with 90 percent experiencing multidimensional poverty, lacking access to basic infrastructure and education.

2. South Sudan

The youngest nation in Africa, South Sudan, has been marred by civil war and natural disasters.

Around 80 percent of its population lives in poverty, and the country's progress is tied to fragile peace agreements and upcoming elections.

3. Central African Republic

The Central African Republic has faced ongoing conflict for over a decade.

The country’s economy has stagnated, with over 70 percent of its population living in extreme poverty, and 90 percent without electricity.

4. Niger

Niger’s extreme poverty has worsened in recent years, with over 52 percent of its population living on less than $2.15 (£1.64) a day.

The country faces internal conflicts, climate change, and post-colonial instability, all contributing to its ongoing struggles.

5. Chad

Despite its oil resources, Chad remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with 42 percent of locals living below the national poverty line.

Ongoing regional conflicts, particularly the crisis in Sudan, have further strained the country’s fragile economy.

6. Mali

Once a hub of trade, Mali now faces poverty on a massive scale, with 90 percent of its population below the poverty line.

Conflict and the effects of climate change have worsened living conditions across the country.

7. Burundi

Burundi remains heavily dependent on agriculture, with 75 percent of the population living in poverty.

The impacts of civil war, climate change, and economic challenges continue to stall the country’s recovery and development.

8. Yemen

The only non-African country on the list, Yemen has suffered greatly from nearly a decade of conflict.

80 percent of Yemenis live in poverty as war and climate change have crippled the country’s economy.

9. Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso faces a severe humanitarian crisis, with over 40 percent of the population in poverty.

Political unrest and conflict have compounded the country’s economic woes, making recovery difficult.

10. Sierra Leone

Still reeling from the effects of its civil war, Sierra Leone’s poverty rates are especially high in rural areas.

Inflation has surged in recent years, pushing 60 percent of the rural population into extreme poverty.

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