The unlikely ally Keir Starmer could have to persuade Donald Trump to support Ukraine

One British politician who has championed the Ukrainian cause since the beginning of the Russian invasion has close ties with the Republican presidential candidate.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Donald Trump

Donald Trump previously claimed he would end the war in Ukraine within hours if re-elected (Image: Getty)

Sir Keir Starmer could get unexpected support from a well-known personality across the political aisle to persuade Donald Trump to support Ukraine should the former US president retake the White House.

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson held a private meeting with Mr Trump on July 16, just days after the Republican candidate was the victim of an assassination attempt.

The meeting, held in the midst of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, focused on Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine.

Sharing a picture of the pair standing side by side, Mr Johnson wrote on X: "Great to meet President Trump, who is on top form after the shameful attempt on his life.

"We discussed Ukraine and I have no doubt that he will be strong and decisive in supporting that country and defending democracy."

By securing a meeting with the Republican candidate, Mr Johnson showed he "clearly has an in" with Mr Trump, according to the BBC political editor Chris Mason.

Appearing on the BBC Newscast podcast, Mr Mason added: "There is a kind of kindred spirit there between the two of them, they have spoken warmly of each other and yet on Ukraine it seems their instincts are about as far apart as you can get.

"But hang on a minute, arguably from a British diplomatic perspective what a useful in to have, a former prime minister who has that kind of connection, who was articulating, basically, the Keir Starmer Government's position.

"And OK, Keir Starmer and the Government would argue that he has spoken to Donald Trump since the assassination attempt, but clearly he doesn't have the personal connection that Boris Johnson does.

Keir Starmer delivering a speech

Keir Starmer has pledged to continue supporting Ukraine (Image: Getty)

"So it's not unuseful from the Government's perspective that Boris Johnson of all people is out there in Milwaukee making Ukraine's case."

Mr Johnson has been a strong advocate for Ukraine and its right to defend itself from the Russian aggression since the onset of the war in February 2022.

Mr Trump, who is running to return to the White House next year, said in May 2023 that he wants to stop Ukrainians and Russians from dying on the battlefield, adding: "And I'll have that done — I'll have that done in 24 hours."

However, his pledge has raised concerns an abrupt end to the war would see Ukraine lose some of its internationally recognised territories, renounce joining NATO and live in fear of a future attack by Russia.

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