Man buys Golden Retriever online for £21 but is sent 'meat dog' in the post

The man, known only as Liu, went online to purchase what he thought was going to be a Golden Retriever dog - but he was in for a shock when he opened the package.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

A Golden Retriever lies on a beach. (Stock).

The man ordered a Golden Retriever online, but was shocked when he opened the package. (Image: GETTY)

A Chinese man named Liu, residing in the city of Liuzhou in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was left stunned after he ordered a Golden Retriever but received a totally different animal.

According to Newsflare, Liu spent £21 (or 200 Yuan), expecting to welcome a Golden Retriever as his new pet.

However, the package delivered to him contained a surprise.

Instead of the anticipated Golden Retriever, Liu found himself the owner of a Tuguo, a Chinese domestic dog.

This breed, unfortunately, is often referred to as a "meat dog" in the region and is a popular delicacy.

A Tuguo. (Stock).

The Tuguo is a popular dish in parts of China. (Image: GETTY)

The consumption of dog meat at festivals in China has sparked significant controversy in the West for obvious reasons.

Despite its reputation as a food source, the Tuguo is also recognised as an excellent hunting dog, first domesticated by the Han dynasty of China.

The confusion arose from the Tuguo's name being "Golden Retriever".

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However, Liu was not disheartened by the mix-up despite receiving an entirely different breed of dog. 

Instead of returning the dog or subjecting it to a grim fate, he decided to keep the Tuguo as a pet.

He pledged to take good care of his new furry friend, whom he found irresistibly adorable.

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