EU country with pensioners at war with roadworks so often there's a special word for it

This phenomenon is so widespread that a name coined to describe it was added to the dictionary in 2021.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Men at work

The term Umarell describes elderly men following with interest worksites (Image: GETTY)

Italy is sure to capture its first-time visitors with its stunning beaches, eternal art cities and outstanding food. However, the Mediterranean country is also filled with quirks and customs that may not be immediately noticeable to tourists - but a trained eye will eventually be able to spot them.

Alongisde the "apericena" - a mash-up of happy hours and dinner - and rivalries between neighbouring cities, another typical and beloved Italian phenomenon is "Umarell".

Italian male pensioners appear to always know when roadworks are nearby - and never fail to show up to make unwanted remarks to workers.

This perhaps puzzling habit has been given the name "Umarell", popularised by Italian writer Danilo Masotti in 2005 through his books and blog. 

An elderly man walking through an Italian street

Umarells are beloved figures in Italy (Image: GETTY-STOCK)

The term, employed as lighthearted mockery as well as in a self-deprecating way rather than insulting, comes from the dialect spoken in Bologna, central Italy, and translates to "little man".

However, this custom is widespread across the whole of Italy - so much that years later, in 2021, the term was coined it entered the Italian dictionary Zanichelli.

The official definition published that year reads: "Pensioners who gather, often with their hands behind their back, at building sites, checking, asking questions, giving suggestions or criticising the activities." 

The Umarell scene always develops in a similar fashion - elderly man, often wearing a hat, gather around roadworks to observe, comment and provide directions while clasping their hands behind their backs or burying them inside their coats' pockets, depending on the season.

Speaking about the Umarells, Mr Masotti said, as reported in The Times: "These are men who are often told to leave home in the morning by their wives, who don’t want them in the way.

"Their first mission is to be the first in a queue — could be the supermarket, but doesn’t it matter. And they have a passion for roadworks." 

The phenomenon of the Umarell is absolutely adored by Italians, and some of these pensioners have even been publicly acknowledged for their passion.

In 2015, authorities in the town of San Lazzaro di Savena named the honorary director of roadworks an Umarell who had so far avidly followed the workers.

In 2017, Bologna's city council paid tribute to this phenomenon by naming the city centre in the Cirenaica district Piazzetta degli Umarells.

Also in the mid-2010s, fast food chain Burger King "recruited" Umarells in its social media campaign promoting its expansion on the Italian territory.

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