Hamas terrorists post haunting picture of kidnapped Israeli girl as mum begs for release

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Shocking moment family is kidnapped by Hamas

A distraught mum is begging for the release of her two daughters after released a disturbing image showing them looking dazed on a mattress in captivity in Gaza.

Maayan Fin's daughters were brutally snatched last week along with their father when armed Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel killing hundreds of civilians.

Dafna Elyakim, 15, and Ela Elyakim, 8, live mainly with their dad Noam Elyakim, 48 in the Nahal Oz kibbutz near the border between southern Israel and Gaza, where he lives with his girlfriend Dikla Arava Eliaz, 50, and her son Tomer Eliaz, 17.

The entire family were taken during the October 7 attacks.

Maayan had not heard any news of their fate until a sinister image shared online showed her daughter Dafna sitting on a mattress, wearing pyjamas and looking tearful holding a hand to her face. Arabic text on the image says: "Wearing prayer clothes is better."

She believes Hamas made her change out of the shorts she was wearing and into something more modest. Another photo shows the girls together, Dafna is looking over at her younger sister Ela who appears dazed.

A video also emerged - seen by the Daily Express US - which appears to show her ex-husband, shot in the leg, along with his girlfriend and her son Tomer Eliaz, 17, as well as her two daughters. Dafna is crying while Dikla clutches Ela tightly in her arms. At least two armed terrorists are in the room.

Maayan's ex-husband Noam can be seen bleeding heavily from a leg wound - blood is smeared across the floor. Dikla's son Tomar looks shocked.

Maayan Zin's daughters, Dafna, 15, and Ela, 8, were kidnapped by Hamas.

Maayan Zin's daughters, Dafna, 15, and Ela, 8, were kidnapped by Hamas. (Image: Maayan Zin)

Israeli hostage Dafna.

Dafna was seen dressed in "prayer clothes" by Hamas on social media. (Image: Maayan Zin)

When Maayan woke Saturday morning she heard the news that was firing rockets into southern Israel. Nahal Oz kibbutz was one of the many settlements being targeted by the savage terrorists. Her daughters spend much of their time in the small community with her ex-husband, Noam, and his girlfriend Dikla. Maayan lives in central Israel and works at Ben Gurion International Airport.

She said: "I contacted my ex-husband to check whether they were inside the shelter. I asked if my daughters were panicking and he replied 'No' without any details."

Although she can't be certain, Maayan believes that the may have already been in the room with her family when she last spoke to Noam. She received his short reply around 9.16am. It was the last message he sent to her.

Typically, Maayan comes to pick up her daughters if there are rocket attacks - a fact of life when Hamas is your neighbour. When she asked her husband if she should travel to the Kibbutz, he didn’t reply.

Tens of thousands of rockets have been fired at Israel since the country unilaterally left Gaza in 2005. While many of the crude weapons are intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome defence system, it can be overwhelmed. Hamas claimed it fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israel on October 7.

Maayan tried to call her children before hearing the news that terrorists had entered the Kibbutz and that people living there should hide and remain quiet. She stopped calling her family, for fear that she would alert the terrorists to their location.

Maayan's family.

Maayan's ex-husband Noam was seen bleeding from a leg wound when the family was taken. (Image: Maayan Zin)

Dafna and Ela.

Dafna and Ela 'are not soldiers' says Maayan as she pleads for their safe return. (Image: Maayan Zin)

She then received a chilling text message from her sister: “Somebody saw [her daughter] Dafna in Gaza sitting on a mattress with the terrorists.”

Maayan was in disbelief when she saw the pictures posted to social media. She didn't yet understand that people had been taken by Hamas. The mum-of-two did not know what happened to the rest of her family until she saw the video of the attack online.

During the attack, Maayan says she was told that Hamas forced Tomer to go around the Kibbutz and knock on doors coaxing neighbours out of their homes. would then kill them. This report could not be verified by Daily Express US.

She added: "I don’t think Ela understands the situation but Dafna is terrified. You can see in the videos how she looks at her father who was wounded. Noam is as strong as a rock usually. You can see on his face that he is terrified.

Dafna, Dikla and Ela

Dafna (right) can be seen crying next to Dikla and Ela (left) as the family was taken. (Image: Mayaan Zin)

"We are all praying that they will come back and they’ll be able to heal from the trauma and the terrible situation that they’re in."

Maayan was contacted by intelligence for information about her family. She also received a phone call from Sara Netanyahu the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A member of the army told Maayan that the IDF couldn’t verify that her family was in Gaza but that her situation was better than some others, because she at least had evidence that her daughters were still alive.

Maayan wears a tie-dye dress that Dafna made herself. During our interview, she held a coffee mug given to her by her youngest daughter reading: "I love you. My one and only."


Maayan believes Ela - who is only eight - might not fully understand the situation. (Image: Maayan Zin)

Asked what she would tell her family if they could hear her, she said: "I love all of you. I cherish the fact that Dikla is taking care of my daughters and I’m waiting for all of you to be back. Do what you’re told to keep safe. The country will do everything to bring you safely back home."

Her message to was: "My daughters were being educated to love the people on the other side, in Gaza. Hamas doesn’t need the kids. They didn’t do anything. They’re not soldiers. They are not an army. They are civilians. They need to release them because they are not involved in this war.

"They went to sleep on Friday night and they woke up to terror in the morning, something that is not in their control. They’ve done nothing wrong. They don’t deserve to be part of it."

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