Fishing boat 'shot' by coastguard patrol vessel leaving locals 'deeply shaken'

Italy and the European Union have donated a number of vessels to the Lybian coastguard as part of a Brussels-promoted scheme.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

A member of the Libyan coastguard looking at a boat

Members of the Libyan coastguard (not pictured) have allegedly shot an Italian fishing boat (Image: GETTY)

Members of the Libyan coastguard have shot an Italian fishing boat in international waters, leaving the maritime community "deeply shaken", a local organisation representing ship owners has claimed.

Fabio Micalizzi, President of the Federazione Armatori Siciliani, claimed the Italian fishing boat called Orizzonte [Horizon] was the target of machinegun fire while it was in international waters.

The boat, Mr Micalizzi said, had left the coast of Sicily and was some 150km away from Misrata, Libya, when the incident took place.

The alleged attack happened at approximately 5am GMT (6am local time).

The association's president said: "This unprecedented act of violence has deeply shaken the Sicilian maritime community and requires a decisive and immediate response from Italian and international institutions."

A fishermen's boat in Sicily

The boat (not pictured) had been taken back to Sicily after the encounter (Image: GETTY)

None of the five members of the crew was left injured, he also said, but the ship was badly damaged as a result of the shooting.

The rescue operation was made more difficult by the coastguard, as it seized the phones' sim cards of the fishing boat's crewmembers, Italian publication Il Post reported.

An Italian naval unit backed by a helicopter took part in the mission and guided the boat back towards the peninsula.

The Libyan coastguard, which is thought to have attacked the Italian boat aboard a patrol vessel previously donated by Rome, is known for its aggressive methods.

Reports of clashes with civilian boats have been frequent since the 1990s, and earlier this month the Libyan force shot dinghies owned by the European NGO Sos Mediterranée during a rescue mission in support of migrants, the organisation itself claimed.

No person had been injured, and the NGO was able to rescue 57 people from the sea.

The force has also been repeatedly accused of shooting at migrants instead of responding to search and rescue requests.

Italy and the European Union have been donating a number of vessels to the Libyan coastguard as part of the EU project "Support to integrated Border and Migration Management in Libya".

The scheme, criticised by humanitarian organisations, aims at strengthening "the capacity of relevant Libyan authorities in the areas of border and migration management, including border control and surveillance, addressing smuggling and trafficking of human beings, search and rescue at sea and in the desert", the EU said.

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