UK urged to give more support to Ukraine to end ‘end war quicker’ – YOU VOTED

The UK is accelerating efforts to support Ukraine, with Defence Secretary Ben Wallace recently announcing "the most significant package" to date.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Britain is set to send a squadron of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to “in the coming weeks” to help bolster the resistance against forces. This makes the UK the first western nation to supply Ukraine with main battle tanks. However, a new poll has shown that the majority of readers think the UK is not doing enough.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told the House of Commons on Monday that the UK would be sending a significant package of military support to help the Ukrainian military. The support includes 14 Challenger 2 tanks, 30 self-propelled guns known as AS90s, armoured vehicles, drones, missiles, and artillery rounds.

He said: “If we are to continue helping Ukraine to seize the upper hand in the next phase of the conflict, we must accelerate our collective effort diplomatically, economically and militarily.”

British officials say their decision to send tanks is part of a broader push to galvanise support. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said the supply of tanks hopes to allow the war to end sooner. He told a Washington thinktank: “This war has been dragging on for a long time already. And now is the time to bring it to a conclusion.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has thanked Mr Wallace, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and the people of Britain for making the “powerful contribution to our common victory over tyranny”.

READ MORE: Ukrainian troops on the frontline plead for more Western tanks

Ben Wallace and Challenger 2 tank

Ben Wallace announced 'the most significant package' to date earlier this week (Image: Finnbarr Webster/Getty and Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10:30am on Tuesday, January 10, to 2:30pm on Wednesday, January 18, asked readers: “Is the UK doing enough to help Ukraine?”

Overall, 1,485 people responded with the majority, 61 per cent (898 people) answering “no” the UK is not doing enough.

Meanwhile, 37 per cent (553 people) said “yes” the UK was supporting Ukraine enough, and a further two per cent (34 people) said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers discussed the UK’s aid and military donations to Ukraine.

Many readers commented that the UK needed to step up and do more to help Ukraine fight back against Russia like username obblers_ , who said: “The more we help the quicker this disgusting war ends.”

Username Justmy2cents said: “We have done a lot – and based on our size in population, we have done more than most – but we also need to deliver the last push to end this tragedy.

“We have shown that Britain is able and willing to lead the rest of the world. Sending in Challenger 2 tanks as well as keeping up delivery of the rocket systems as well as the first-grade training we deliver to Ukraine – it will help with the last major push.”

And username P23969595W wrote: “UK and west need to double or treble the munitions, training and weapons, if not eventually will cost trillions more to fight Russia direct!”


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Challenger 2 tank

Britain is set to send a squadron of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine 'in the coming weeks' (Image: Finnbarr Webster/Getty)

Volodymyr Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the UK for for making the 'powerful contribution' (Image: Getty)

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However, other readers argued the UK had made its contribution and that other nations should step up. Username lioness55 commented: “The UK is doing enough, the problem is Europe, who are swimming on the back of USA and UK.”

Similarly, username Gill01271 said: “We are doing our bit, the rest of the free world should step up to the plate and do theirs.”

While username woody934 said: “With thousands on the poverty line in the Uk haven't we done enough to help Ukraine, the EU need to dig into their pockets and stop their stalling tactics and assist, Britain has done enough it's time to help our own!”

Username Tommy 52 agreed writing: “Given far too much already at great cost to our own people and services.”

Ben Wallace

The UK has committed at least £2.3 billion to support Ukraine (Image: Getty)

Russian occupied territory in January 2023 mapped

Russian forces invaded Ukraine 11 months ago (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The UK Government under former Prime Minister Liz Truss pledged to match or exceed last year’s aid to Ukraine's military in 2023. This means at least £2.3billion will be given to Ukraine alongside supporting the training of 10,000 new and existing Ukranaian fighters every 120 days.

A Government spokesperson said: “We will continue to build on recent donations with training and further gifting of equipment.”

France has pledged to send AMX-10 RC light combat tanks to Kyiv in two months’ time and Mr Wallace has encouraged Germany to follow by donating Leopard 2 tanks.

The next meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine is due to take place on Friday, January 20 at the US base of Ramstein, in Germany, to discuss the coordination of further military support.

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