'Massive strike' Pinpoint shelling by Zelensky's men obliterates Putin plan

NEW videos on social media appear to show Ukrainian forces devastating more Russian ammunition dumps and air defence systems in the recently captured Luhansk region.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Ukraine: Fires rage across Luhansk amid Russian attacks

The strikes into the territory have likely dashed hope of a swift offensive into the Donetsk region as Russian forces “rest, refit, and reconstitute” before a probable offensive there. The video shows ammunition cooking off following strikes into the occupied territory.

The strikes show a campaign of increasingly intense bombardment by both sides along the frontline which has been largely static over the past few days.

The Russian state owned TASS News Agency reported that authorities in the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) claimed that Ukrainian forces launched nine US HIMARS rockets along with Soviet Tochka-U ballistic missiles to destroy an air defence system.

Russian forces have not been able to intercept the advanced HIMARS rockets but there have been reports of them successfully intercepting the older but longer range Tochka-U ballistic missiles.

According to Andrey Marochko, speaking on Telegram, "several Ukrainian missiles have reached their target, the sky over Luhansk is controlled by reserve forces."

He said Ukraine conducted the “massive strike” and destroyed the heavy weaponry which “ensures the security of the city”.

An explosion in Luhansk Region.

Zelensky's men have hit an air defence system in Luhansk, according to Russian authorities. (Image: Twitter/@RALee85/GETTY)

A HIMARS system.

Ukrainian forces have been using HIMARS to strike deep behind Russian lines. (Image: GETTY)

Neither Russia nor Ukraine has been able to establish air superiority in the theatre and strikes such as these may give Ukrainian pilots the ability to operate more freely in the region.

Authorities in the LPR claim the strikes were carried out by HIMARS from Bakhmut - near the frontlines - to Luhansk City nearly 70 miles away. The HIMARS have an on-paper range of approximately 50 miles.

It is possible that Ukrainian forces launched an overwhelming artillery strike to confuse Russian air defences and allow their longer range Tochka-U ballistic missiles, which can be hit by Russian air defences, to slip through.

HIMARS do have rockets that can reach a distance of more than 180 miles, however these munitions have not been provided to Ukraine, according to US officials.

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Ukraine: Russian ammunition depot destroyed in huge explosion

A destroyed Tochka-U ballistic missile.

Tochka-U ballistic missiles have a longer range than artillery but can be hit by air defences. (Image: GETTY)

The news comes as Ukraine has been successfully using the weapons systems to destroy Russian ammunition dumps, starving their artillery which the Russian forces rely on to bombard Ukrainian positions before advancing on the ground.

Following a catastrophic hit on an ammunition dump in Nova Kakhovka in Russian occupied Kherson earlier this week, Ukrainian forces reported another strike in the region.

Serhiy Khlan, a member of the Kherson regional council, said the target was a Russian munitions dump.

Mr Khlan said: "Thank you to HIMARS and our boys and girls in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!"

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Ukrainian firefighters in Slovyansk.

Russian strikes have continued to hit Slovyansk, but ground assaults have been unsuccessful. (Image: GETTY)

According to the Washington-based think tank the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russian forces in the eastern theatre are likely regrouping before pushing for an assault on the region of Donetsk.

Neighbouring Luhansk, the two areas make up the larger region of the Donbas. Putin’s immediate war goal is to conquer the Donbas region.

In a Twitter update yesterday evening, ISW said: “Russian forces in Ukraine remain in a theatre-wide operational pause to regroup, rest, refit, and reconstitute. Current Russian probing actions and bombardments are likely in preparation for future offensives, the timing of which remains unclear.”

It noted that although there had been artillery and air strikes as well as “limited ground assaults” along the frontline, Russia had failed to take any ground north and east of Slovyansk - an area likely to be the scene of the next major offensive.

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