Putin to be shamed on Victory Day - chilling portrait ‘filled with Ukrainian blood’ shared

VLADIMIR PUTIN is set to be humiliated on ‘Victory Day' as a portrait of him filled with the blood of Ukrainian soldiers is broadcast to onlookers.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Moscow rehearse for victory day parade with 'monster robots'

The Victory Day parade on May 9 is one of Russia's most important national events. It is a remembrance of the Soviet sacrifice made in defeating Nazi Germany in what is known in Russia as the "Great Patriotic War". But this year’s celebration and demonstration of military might is set to be disrupted by a former Soviet soldier turned artist.

Andrei Molodkin, a Russian conceptual artist, believes his sculpture filled with 850g of blood from eight Ukrainian soldiers will help onlookers in Moscow see Putin "for what he is".

He told Express.co.uk: “I believe that culture has the power to deconstruct the propaganda, it can deconstruct the brainwashing.

“I know how propaganda works because I grew up with it.

“But we can deconstruct it, and we can deconstruct it quite successfully.

“I believe that we must show Putin as just a liar and a criminal who manipulates people, who is covered in blood.

Putin to be shamed on Victory Day - chilling portrait ‘filled with Ukrainian blood’ shared

Putin to be shamed on Victory Day - chilling portrait ‘filled with Ukrainian blood’ shared (Image: GETTY/ANDREI MOLODKIN)

Andrei Molodkin

Mock up of Putin Blood AR for Red Square (Image: ANDREI MOLODKIN)

“People need to not see Putin and only see a bloody criminal.

“Somehow we need to have a change in ideas.

“I don’t want people to see his eyes or his smile, I want them to see only the blood.

“And when everyone can see him like that on the Red Square, I think their opinion will change.”

The ‘Putin filled with Ukrainian blood’ sculpture is made with acrylic and plexiglass.

Mr Molodkin plans to share his chilling portrait with people in Red Square geo-navigationally using augmented reality (AR) which will plaster his art across smartphones.

Three of the soldiers who gave their blood for the project are on the front line, the others are waiting to be mobilised.

Sacha Levchuk is one of the soldiers who donated his blood before returning to Ukraine to fight.

His wife Kristina and their two young children are staying with Mr Molodkin in Maubourguet, Southwestern France.


Sacha and Kristina Levchuk on their wedding day (Image: KRISTINA LEVCHUK)

850g of blood from eight Ukrainian soldiers is used in the art

850g of blood from eight Ukrainian soldiers is used in the art (Image: ANDREI MOLODKIN)

Mrs Levchuk said it was hard for her to explain to her children why they had to leave their home.

She told Express.co.uk: “I tried to protect them, I told them that someone started a war and was the aggressor to us, that they are trying to take our land.

“And we have left to protect them and to be safe.

“I told them that their father has gone to protect their country, to protect their freedom, and to keep their country together and in peace.

“I still don’t think they understand that it is going to be for a really long time or how dangerous it is.”

She voiced her fear that the longer the war rages on, and the more missiles that fall on Ukraine, the greater the chance is that they will return to a country that is “totally ruined”.

“Europe sends weapons but weapons only continue the war,” she said.

“We need them to close the sky.”

No-fly zones are used to protect populations from air attacks such as shelling but the West fears implementing one over Ukraine risks sparking a wider conflict.

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