Is Finland a member of NATO? Russia threatens 'serious consequences'

FINLAND has remained militarily neutral since World War Two, however, it has always maintained particularly close ties with NATO and its affiliated countries, pushing its potential membership under the microscope. Is Finland a member of NATO?

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

Finland has a 'sizeable majority' in favour of joining NATO

Initially signed between 12 countries, , the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, has progressively expanded since its formation in 1949 and now comprises a total of 30 member states. The treaty works as an intergovernmental alliance serving a purpose to “guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means”.

The treaty was formed off the back of to provide collective security against the .

Former Soviet state has naturally always opposed the treaty, as it is seen as a threat to Russian security - especially by member states bordering the country.

Russian President launched a “special military operation” in in February in a bid to deter the country from further strengthening its ties with NATO and prohibit its intentions to join.

This invasion came deep amid concerns of further NATO expansion, as more European countries form closer ties with the organisation, embarking on peace-support operations it implements and increasingly engaging in political dialogue and practical cooperation with initiatives.

READ MORE: The 9 countries who are classed as NATO's ‘global partners’

Jens Stoltenberg and Pekka Haavisto

Close ties: NATO's Jens Stoltenberg and Finland's foreign affairs minister Pekka Haavisto (Image: GETTY)

Refugees fleeing Ukraine

Over three million refugees have fled Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion in February (Image: GETTY)

Just prior to this, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov sent out letters threatening a number of countries away from pursuing membership with the alliance, stating it would set off “serious military-political consequences” should they strengthen their security by joining NATO.

Finland, the Northern European nation bordering Sweden, Norway, and Russia, has always shared common values with NATO, actively cooperating in peace support operations and engaging in intel exchange.

This close partnership leaves some questioning its relationship and intentions with the alliance.

Is Finland a member of NATO?

Technically no, Finland is not currently a member of NATO and has maintained a militarily neutral stance since World War Two.

Jens Stoltenberg and Pekka Haavisto

Finland is perceived as as an "enhanced opportunity partner" of the NATO alliance. (Image: GETTY)

Militarily neutral is a term used to describe the attitude of a state or group of states that makes no alliance with either side in a war.

However, while not a member of NATO, Finland has signed a number of host nation support agreements with the alliance and is perceived as an “enhanced opportunity partner”.

This means the country makes significant contributions to NATO operations and other alliance objectives, which has strengthened opportunities for dialogue and cooperation with treaty allies as a result.

In 1994, the nation joined NATO's Partnership for Peace programme, an initiative to create trust between NATO and other states in Europe and the former Soviet Union.

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pekka haavisto

Members of the Finnish parliament recently gathered to discuss the option of NATO membership. (Image: GETTY)

Additionally, Finland, along with - another Nordic country that remains militarily neutral - signed a Trilateral Statement of Intent with the US in 2018 to strengthen defence cooperation.

However, despite Finland’s strong alignment with the west, the country has never attempted to pursue a full NATO membership as a means not to upset neighbouring country Russia - as well as, up until now, lukewarm public support.

As former Soviet state Russia poses an increasing threat to countries across Europe, public attitudes are changing and joining the alliance is prompting more of an appeal - even to those that are militarily neutral.

For the first time in history, a public opinion poll has revealed over half of the population surveyed have expressed support of the country joining NATO (62 percent).

The heightened security concerns provoked by the Ukraine invasion have pushed Finnish politicians to consider stark policy shifts away from the country’s traditional neutrality, as members of the Finnish parliament recently gathered to discuss the option of NATO membership.

NATO stated on its website: “In the current security context of heightened concerns about Russian military and non‑military activities, NATO has stepped up cooperation with partner countries Finland [and Sweden], with a particular focus on ensuring security in the Baltic Sea region."

No official movements have yet been made, however, NATO has indicated it would accept an application from Finland.

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