US faces ‘costly’ war with Iran as Trump’s sanctions make situation ‘extremely dangerous’

IRAN and the US’ tit-for-tat keep on raising tensions in the Middle East to the point the situation could “spiral” into a war, especially if Tehran’s regime feels its survival is being threatened, a foreign politics expert said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Iran feels it’s under attack from US claims Lazare

The world is edging closer to a new war which could turn out to be very “costly” for Washington, Dr Dalia Dassa Kaye, director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy at the US-based think tank RAND. She told “The risk of conflict is likely to remain high in the months ahead as long as the American maximum pressure campaign on continues. The Iranians have already shown they are ready to attack US assets with the downing of the drone and other provocative acts in the Gulf to gain leverage back and demonstrate there’s a cost to the US withdrawal from the Iran deal. 

“The American response has so far been limited to reported cyber attacks and now new sanctions on Iranian leaders.

“While each side may be trying to calibrate responses to send messages and keep conflict limited, the risk that these measures could spiral into a more expanded military campaign remains.

“And a war with Iran would likely be costly.”

Iran shot down a US drone last Thursday accused of entering its fly zone.  


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The world is edging closer to a new war which could turn out to be very “costly” for Washington (Image: GETTY)

This almost triggered Donald Trump’s reaction, who revealed on Twitter the Pentagon was “cocked and loaded to retaliate”.

But, some 10 minutes before the strike was to take place, Mr said he withdrew his order to attack a series of Iranian sites after being told “150 people” would die.

However, Iran may further escalate tensions if it believes the US is aiming at toppling its regime, Dr Dassa Kaye said.

She explained: “Iran has a number of capabilities, including proxy forces and missiles, that could inflict serious damage on US interests throughout the region and put American forces in harms way, especially if the leadership believes a conflict is about toppling the regime, not about negotiations for a ‘better’ deal. 

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Wreckage of the US drone shot down by Iran (Image: GETTY)

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Hassan Rouhani, Iran's Prime Minister (Image: GETTY)

“Given the mixed signals from Washington, the Iranians may interpret American military strikes against Iran itself as an existential threat.

“This makes the situation extremely dangerous.”

Rather than opening fire following the attack to the drone, the White House issued an embargo on some of Tehran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s front companies.

A similar measure had been lifted by former US President as part of the nuclear deal in 2015.

This move was heavily criticised by Iran, with its Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi saying it represents the “end of diplomacy” from the American side. 

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US and Iran's firepower compared (Image: EXPRESS)

He wrote in a tweet: “Imposing useless sanctions on Iran’s Supreme Leader and the commander of Iran’s diplomacy (Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif) is the permanent closure of the path of diplomacy.

“Trump’s desperate administration is destroying the established international mechanisms for maintaining world peace and security.”

But the Trump administration continues to say Iran is welcome to the negotiating table.

US National Security Adviser John Bolton said: “The president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate Iran’s nuclear weapons programme, its ballistic missile delivery systems, its support for international terrorism and other malign behaviour worldwide. 

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US National Security Adviser John Bolton (Image: GETTY)

“All that Iran needs to do is to walk through that open door.”

The other signatories of the JCPOA, also known as Iran nuclear deal, which have been trying to maintain alive the agreement since Mr Trump pulled out of it in May last year, are now calling on Washington to drop some of the sanctions issued against Iran to help talks start.

French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters ahead of this weekend’s G20: “I want to convince Trump that it is in his interest to reopen a negotiation process and go back on certain sanctions to give negotiations a chance.

On Wednesday, Iran’s UN ambassador urged Britain, France and Germany, which have so continued to trade with Tehran despite Mr Trump’s veto, to take “timely” practical steps to preserve the agreement, “which is now in critical condition”.     

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