Pro-EU Germany gets PROTECTIONIST to save industries from China and US

PROTECTIONISM is taking over the European Union as Germany joins France in launching a new strategy aiming at "safeguarding or regaining the economic and technological leadership position of Germany and the EU”, officials revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Germany: Economy facing ‘temporary slowdown' says expert

Despite being the major economic motor of the EU and the countries battling the hardest for a tighter economic and political union of the 27 state members of the bloc, France and are steering their economies towards protectionism. Germany’s Economy Minister Peter Altmaier is set to take a swipe at the free market economy and on Tuesday unveil a new strategy supporting national champions against threats coming from the US and . Mr Altmaier’s plan is called “National Industry Strategy 2030” and sees the Government focusing primary on industries particularly lucrative for the country. 

The sectors targeted by Economy Ministry include batteries for electric cars, chemicals and 3D printing, according to two industry sources and one official.

But the plan may also set out protectionist measures for cars, machine engineering, medical devices, green technologies, aerospace and defence, according to German newspaper Die Welt who has seen a summary of the Minister’s strategy.

The strategy also calls on economics, Government and research to “work together to maintain and gradually increase the share of industry in the gross value added to 25 percent in Germany and 20 percent in the European Union”.


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Germany is set to unveil a new strategy supporting national champions (Image: GETTY)

This target must be reached in 11 years, by 2030.

Mr Altmaier’s plan comes after the BDI, Germany’s biggest industrial group, demanded Angela Merkel’s Government to take a more defensive line against China.

Upon unveiling a 54-point plan in January, the BDI accused Brussels of “ignoring” the Chinese threat.

BDI President Dieter Kempf said: "The People's Republic is establishing its own political, economic and social model. 

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Germany’s Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (Image: GETTY)

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Manfred Weber is one of the favourites to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker (Image: GETTY)

“Politicians can’t afford to simply ignore the challenges China poses to the and Germany.

"A battle of economic models is emerging.”

Protectionism in the EU has been gaining new traction since France and Germany have started talks about a merger between France’s Alstom and Germany’s Siemens in the rail sector.

Brussels’s antitrust regulators look set to oppose to it, as it would create a too powerful company that could potentially harm both small competitors and consumers. 

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Germany started talks about a merger between France’s Alstom and Germany’s Siemens (Image: GETTY)

However, Mr Altmaier defended the move, saying such powerful “European champions” would be able to compete with China and the US.

He added: "That is why we must consider what adjustments are necessary in our competition law.”

Manfred Weber, current leader of the European People’s Party movement in the European Parliament and one of the favourites to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission, spoke against the possible anti-trust decision.

Branding stopping the merger “a major mistake”, Mr Weber raised the prospect of changing the EU competition laws.    

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