GEXIT WARNING: Far-right AfD tells EU to CHANGE or face German EXIT

THE European Union must change or Germany will walk out of the bloc, members of far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

AFD member: We will defend German interest

The EU’s “centralism” could cost the bloc one of its most important members if the AfD, ’s biggest opposition party, gain enough traction within the country to raise the question of “Gexit”, the German version of Brexit. Party members have gathered at the Erdgas Arena in Riesa, a city in the western state of Saxony. The party congress is focused on the campaign programme to decide ahead of the upcoming European election in May 2019. 

The leading motion discussed by delegates would put Brussels in front of a dilemma if approved, as it demands the European Union to make sensibly changes or see Germany leaving the bloc.

However the AfD believes the as it is now structured will eventually fall under its own weight and be dissolved.

This motion is backed by AfD party leader Alexander Gauland, who speaks negatively of the EU’s "bureaucracy" and of its ”regulation, centralism, redistribution and egalitarianism."


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Jörg Meuthen, the AfD leading candidate at the European elections, and Jean Claude Juncker (Image: GETTY)

But the far-right party hasn’t yet found an agreement on this motion.

Jörg Meuthen, the AfD leading candidate at the European elections, believes it is too harshly worded.

Bernhard Zimniok, the top candidate of the AfD’s Bavarian State Association, believes the motion is too vague.

The Bavarian wants to set a clear deadline to the EU, and thinks Germany should trigger Gexit in 2024 if nothing changes in Brussels. 

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Germany's AfD warned the EU to change or face a German exit (Image: GETTY)

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EU voters will elect MEPs in May 2019 (Image: GETTY)

Mr Zimniok, who plans to deal with foreign and defence policy in the European Parliament if elected, is a stark opponent of Emmanuel Macron’s European Army, as it would take away from Governments “the control of our army, the last resort of foreign policy.”

One of the reforms the AfD is calling for is a radical downsizing of the European Parliament, which the far-right politicians believe should be slashed from 750 to 100.

The delegates also want MEPs to be chosen by national Parliaments rather than elected by their citizens. 

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The AfD gained 7.1 percent of the national vote at the 2014 European elections (Image: GETTY)

Changes desired by the AfD also include a smaller power held by the European Court of Justice, the return of the Deutsch Mark, to be used alongside the Euro, and a review of the free movement of people across European borders.

The AfD, a nationalist party founded in 2013, gained 7.1 percent of the national vote at the 2014 European elections, and currently holds seven seats in Brussels.

(Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg)  

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