Alaska earthquakes: Is THIS the reason for 98 earthquakes in Alaska in just 10 DAYS?

EARTHQUAKES have already begun to rock Alaska this year, with a staggering 98 quakes in 10 days. But is THIS the reason there have been so many quakes in Alaska?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Alaska is no stranger to earthquakes, and just over a month ago experienced a magnitude 7.0 quake which triggered a tsunami alert along the coast. The earthquakes which have shaken Alaska in 2019 have ranged from magnitude 2.5 to magnitude 5.9. The latest quake to shake the US state occurred Thursday, January 10 and measured a magnitude of 4.1. 

Why is Alaska experiencing so many earthquakes? 

According to Professor Bill McGuire, emeritus professor of earth sciences at University College London: “Alaska is one of the most tectonically active places on the planet.”

This is due to Alaska’s position above two moving plates, as Professor McGuire explains to “It is on the Pacific Ring of Fire and many of the quakes - especially the big ones - result from the Pacific Plate plunging down beneath the North American Plate.”

“There are also plenty of other active smaller faults, so earthquakes in the state are a constant threat.”

There have also been changes in the environment which have contributed to Alaska’s increasing seismic activity.

Read More: Alaska earthquakes today: MORE quakes hit Alaska

Alaska Earthquakes

Alaska Earthquakes: There has been an increased level of seismic activity in Alaska of late (Image: GETTY/ USGS)

Professor McGuire explained: “In Alaska, earthquake activity is increasing where ice loss due to climate change has been greatest. 

“Some ice fields have lost a vertical kilometre of ice in the last 100 years, which has reduced the load on the crust beneath and made it easier for faults to move.”

When faults move, earthquakes occur - however predicting this is not something which can be done. 

According to Professor McGuire: “It is simply not possible to predict earthquakes in the sense of saying a quake will happen on a particular fault on a particular date.”

Alaska earthquake

Alaska earthquake: The 1964 magnitude 9.2 quake triggered a tsunami and wreaked havoc (Image: GETTY)

Although, keeping track of certain faults that are known to move every so often can be a way to monitor quakes.

The earth sciences expert continued: “However, earthquakes on particular faults - or bits of faults - tend to happen with characteristic return periods that can vary from decades to centuries. 

“So, if a fault normally ruptures to give an earthquake every fifty years or so, and there hasn't been one for 70 years, then there is an elevated probability of one occurring and this probability can be calculated.”

Due to Alaska’s position on the explosive Ring of Fire, and it’s location making it one of the most tectonically active places on the planet, major quakes could “occur…at any time”.

Alaska earthquake

Alaska earthquake: Alaska's position on two major plates is the reason for so much activity (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

One area of concern for scientists is “a quake in the so-called 'Shumagin Gap' where the Alaska Subduction Zone fault has not ruptured in living memory.”

Professor McGuire warns: “If this ruptures, the quake and resulting tsunami could be on a par with 1964 - or even worse.”

In March 1964 a huge magnitude 9.2 quake shook Alaska, triggering a tsunami and killing 139 people across three states. 

This was the second largest earthquake ever to be recorded, the first being a magnitude 9.5 earthquake which rocked Chile in 1960.

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