US shutdown LIVE: Trump DENIES 'temper tantrum' as border wall row HEIGHTENS

THE US Government are in partial shutdown for what is now the nineteenth day over a disagreement surrounding the wall US President Donald Trump wishes to build on the southern US border. Follow live updates and latest on the US Government shutdown here.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Donald Trump says he is 'winning the battle' for wall funding

On what is now the 19th day of a partial government shutdown caused by disagreement over the wall, President Trump told reporters at the White House he may move forward in a "different manner" if Republicans and Democrats cannot work together to resolve the funding standoff. However, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats plan to advance a bill to immediately reopen the Treasury Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission and several other agencies that have been partially shut down since December 22. Follow live updates on the situation here, all times in GMT, which is five hours ahead of Washington DC. 

2.04pm update: Trump denies walk out

In an early morning tweet, he said: “Cryin Chuck told his favorite lie when he used his standard sound bite that I ‘slammed the table & walked out of the room. He had a temper tantrum.’ 

"Because I knew he would say that, and after Nancy said no to proper Border Security, I politely said bye-bye and left, no slamming!”

Democrats again accused the president of throwing a "temper tantrum".

10.11pm update: Could a barrier not a wall stop the shutdown?

Trump has insisted on funding for a "wall," but lately has shifted to talking about steel fencing in the hope the term is less politically charged.

Tall, slatted fences already are in place in some spots on the border and more are being built.

Funding for more slats, or other alternatives to concrete, could let Trump declare victory and let Democrats say they blocked a wall.

9.52pm update: Vice President Pence's view on Trump walking out

When asked what Trump had gained by walking out of the talks, Pence said: "I think the president made his position very clear today: that there will be no deal without a wall."

9.15pm: Democrats dub Trump storming out of their meeting a "temper tantrum"

Exasperated Democrats called Trump's behavior a "temper tantrum" and said the meeting broke down when they refused to commit to funding his proposed southern border wall.

Schumer told reporters outside the White House that Trump asked Pelosi if she would fund his wall. "She said no. And he just got up and said: 'Then we have nothing to discuss,' and he just walked out."

"Again, we saw a temper tantrum because he couldn't get his way," Schumer added.

US government shutdown

US government shutdown: VP Mike Pence said there would be no deal without a wall (Image: EPA)

8.59pm: The White House tweet to say the President will "stand firm"

On their official Twitter page the White House wrote: "We face a humanitarian and security crisis at our Southern Border.

"The President will stand firm for border security.

"That includes, additional law enforcement personnel, immigration judges, a physical barrier, counter-narcotics tech, and resources to address humanitarian needs."

8.44pm update: Trump storms out of meeting with the Democrats

The President has reportedly walked out of a meeting with Congressional Democratic leaders stating "We have nothing to discuss".

Charles Schumer said Trump slammed the table before walking out of the meeting. 

This was in response to Democrats stating they would not agree to wall funding. 

Trump tweeted following the meeting: "I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!"

Trump: I can call 'national emergency' to build wall

US government shutdown

US government shutdown: Trump talks to press after the Republican luncheon today (Image: GETTY)

8.32pm update: Trump will not "budge an inch" 

 John Kennedy, a Republican of Louisiana who was in todays luncheon said: “He gave no indication of any willingness to budge an inch.

“The president– and I happen to agree with him –believes that his only sin is that for the first time in 15 or 20 years he is actually enforcing America’s immigration laws.”

8.03pm update: How many are affected by the shutdown?

The current shutdown is in its nineteenth day, which makes it the longest to happen since 1995.

This closure is affecting nearly 800,000 federal employees,including FBI agents and TSA agents who aren’t being paid.

Should the shutdown continue much longer, there are questions as to whether 40 million Americans will be able to afford food and whether those in subsidised housing will be able to pay their rent.

US Government shutdown

US Government shutdown: Donald Trump has said he will do whatever it takes (Image: GETTY)

7.30pm update: Trump calls his party 'unified' as he leaves the Senate Republican lunch

Trump stated that we have a "very unified party" as he left the Senate Republican lunch. 

He added that a couple of his party spoke about different strategeies "but they're with us all the way". 

7.14pm update: Trump's statements today on the shutdown

Trump today detailed his necessities for declaring a national emergency, stating the “threshold” is whether he and Congress are able to make a deal on wall funding.

“I think we might work a deal, and if we don’t, we might go that route,” Trump said in the Oval Office.

He also asserted he has the “absolute right” to declare an emergency.

US government shutdown

US government shutdown: Trump and Pence before the Senate Republican Lunch today (Image: GETTY)

6.47pm update: Governor for North Carolina calls on Trump to end the shutdown

Democrat and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper wrote a letter to Trump on Wednesday pleading with him to end the shutdown.

He argued that it is preventing the state’s recovery efforts after Hurricane Florence and threatening North Carolina's agricultural industry.

6.28pm update:  Trump and Vice President Mike Pence arrived on Capitol Hill earlier today

Both motorcades of Trump and Vice President Pence arrived on Capitol Hill, and the two men climbed the stairs into the Senate side of the building.

The two men are scheduled to join Republican senators for a weekly policy lunch before returning to the White House to host congressional leaders from both parties.

As he walked inside, Trump was questioned by a reporter how long he would let the shutdown last.

“Whatever it takes,” he responded.

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