World War 3 fears: China unveils terrifying hypersonic RAILGUN - US on alert

CHINA appears to have successfully developed hypersonic railguns, a “revolutionary weapon” which could give Beijing an edge in naval combat, experts said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Chinese military strategist: US satellites are like 'Achilles heel'

A number of defence experts believe Beijing has been testing a railgun mounted on one of its military vessels after analysing pictures appeared on social media. The rumours sparked after a series of photos of what was believed to be landing ship Haiyang Shan had been posted on Weibo, ’s most used social media. The vessel seemed to boast an enormous gun turret, which many experts said could be a railgun. 

This would fundamentally change the nature of engagements

Malcolm Davis

If this assumption is proven correct, it will mean both Moscow and Washington have been beaten in the race lasting for more than 10 years to develop similar weapons.

China is therefore thought to be the first nation to be able to launch unstoppable projectiles capable of punching a hole in an enemy aircraft carrier from up to 150km away.

Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, told ABC News: “This would fundamentally change the nature of engagements.” 


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China may have successfully developed hypersonic railguns (Image: CHRIS CAVAS/TWITTER)

Railguns get their name from the electrified rails used to launch metal projectiles at hypersonic speeds, between four and seven time faster than the speed of sound.

These weapons would cause more damage than any gunpowder-propelled bullet and are easier to store and cheaper to make, according to Justin Bronk, a research fellow at the UK-based Royal United Services Institute.

Mr Bronk is also one of the defence experts who came to the conclusion the Communist power had built a tank-landing ship with a railgun after examining pictures of the Chinese vessel at China’s Wuchang shipyard.

Mr Bronk warned any warship carrying what he called a “miracle technology” and “revolutionary weapon” could disable “almost any ship in very short notice”. 

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China could become the first nation to be able to launch unstoppable projectiles (Image: CHRIS CAVAS/TWITTER)

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China, Russia and the US have been involved in a race to develop railguns for more than 10 years (Image: CHRIS CAVAS/TWITTER)

He told Global News: “The level of destructiveness on the target is comparable to an anti-ship missile.”

The same vessel has been spotted entering high seas last week, fuelling suspicions China was ready to test the railgun.

Mr Bronk told Global News: “It’s confirmation of something we already suspected.” 

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Donald Trump launched a trade war against China (Image: GETTY)

Global Times, China’s state run tabloid, fuelled speculations the defence experts were right by citing a naval expert saying the railgun system had “reached a mature stage after a series of tests” in a report published on Thursday.

The railgun technology could prove essential in a possible clash between China and the US, especially now that tensions are peaking due to both the ongoing trade war and a series of tit-for-tat in the disputed South China Sea.

In October last year a Chinese warship forced an American destroyer to change course in the area by sailing close to the vessel and “almost causing a collision”, according to US officials.    

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