Trump claims he saved world from 'big FAT WAR' and says Kim sent him a 'great' letter

DONALD Trump revealed he has received a “great” letter from North Korea’s despot ruler Kim Jong-un and defended the work done by his administration in the Korean peninsula, claiming he saved the world from a “big fat war in Asia”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

North Korean guide: Our people want to fight against the US

The US President said he will likely meet in the near future, but he isn’t in “any rush” as the Trump administration has already achieved a lot in the peninsula. Speaking to reporters at the White House, where he has remained over the festive period, he said: "I'm not in any rush. I don't have to rush. All I know is there's no rockets, there's no testing.” 

Mr Trump was referring to the North's nuclear and missile tests halted since the second half of 2017.

He added that if any other person were in Washington right now they would be overseeing a war in far-east Asia.

He said: “You'd be having a nice, big, fat war in Asia, and it wouldn't be pleasant.”


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Donald Trump said he had received a 'great letter' from Kim Jong-un (Image: REUTERS/GETTY)

Mr  then spoke about Kim’s New Year speech, saying he had watched the US coverage and was happy about the North Korean leader’s “firm will” of denuclearise the peninsula.

The US President said: "They said that in Chairman Kim's speech he really wants to get together, he wants to denuclearise and a lot of good things are happening.

"They really do want to do something. Now, does that mean it's going to be done? Who knows?

“A deal's a deal, you never know, but I tell you, we've established a very good relationship with North Korea." 

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Kim Jong-un delivered a speech broadcasted on January 1 (Image: GETTY)

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Donald Trump said the work of his administration saved the world from a 'big fat war in Asia' (Image: REUTERS)

"We'll probably now have another meeting. He'd like to meet, I'd like to meet.

"We'll set that up, we'll be setting that up in the not-too-distant future."

Kim’s New Year address comes after the historic meeting between the two leaders in Singapore in June last year.

There, Kim vowed to work towards the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula, but critics said the non-binding agreement signed by Mr Trump and the Chairman of the hermit state was too vague. 

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Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un met for the first time in June last year (Image: REUTERS)

The part related to denuclearisation included in the deal read: “Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.”

And in his televised speech aired on January 1, Kim said he had "declared at home and abroad that we would neither make and test nuclear weapons any longer nor use and proliferate them."

But he also issued a chilling warning, saying North Korea might be "compelled to explore a new path" to defend its sovereignty if the United States "seeks to force something upon us unilaterally and remains unchanged in its sanctions and pressure."     

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