Trump news: Could Donald Trump be impeached? Trump fears 'real possibility'

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has expressed concerns that he could be impeached according to a source at CNN. But could this happen?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Donald Trump: Ex-lawyer Cohen deserves jail says prosecutor

According to CNN, a source close to the President has said Mr Trump sees impeachment as a “real possibility“. However, the President isn’t certain whether it will happen. The concern comes from the fact the Democrats will be taking over the House following their victory in the Midterm Elections.

Could President Trump be impeached? 

A different source in the White House told CNN that ”the only issue that may stick" in the impeachment process would be the campaign finance violations related to Mr Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen's payouts to the President’s alleged mistresses.

Speculations around impeachment have increased in the past few days, after a filing from prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.

The filing alleges that Mr Cohen was under the direction of Mr Trump when he broke the law during the presidential campaign in 2016.

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Trump News

Trump News: Could the President be impeached? (Image: GETTY)

Democrats are implying the President committed an impeachable offence and could be sent to prison after his term in the White House ends. 

The chairman who will sit in the House Judiciary Committee, Representative Jerry Nadler said this weekend the allegations would indeed equal “impeachable offences”.

On Monday, Democratic Senator Chris Coons said Mr Trump could be indicted upon leaving office.

Mr Cohen first alleged that he was under the instruction of Mr Trump to make payments to two women, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in September.

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Trump News: Michael Cohen

Trump News: Michael Cohen alleged he was under the instruction of Mr Trump when he broke the law (Image: GETTY)

Mr Cohen told Manhattan federal court that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," he withheld information which would have implicated Mr Trump during the run-up to the 2016 election. 

On Friday in a sentencing document for Mr Cohen, prosecutors backed the allegation.

In the document, they said Mr Cohen should receive a “substantial sentence” for the crimes he had committed.

These crimes include campaign finance violations for the payouts to the two women, lying to Congress and tax fraud. 

Trump News: Stormy Daniels

Trump News: Stormy Daniels was one of the alleged mistresses to receive a pay out (Image: GETTY)

However, White House Officials do not believe that special council Robert Mueller’s investigation into the possible collusion could end in impeachment.

Another source told CNN that Mr Trump is confident that, even though it is possible he could be impeached by the House, he doesn’t believe the Senate would convict him as his party retains control there. 

The source also said that the campaign finance issue in relation to the two alleged mistresses is not enough to invoke a bipartisan vote in the Senate.

At present, it is unclear exactly what the result of the probe will be. 

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