Indian Ocean rocked by 20-minute tremor: Scientists baffled by mystery seismic swarm

THE Indian Ocean was rocked by long and mysterious seismic waves which left the seismology community across the world baffled over their origin.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Mayotte: 20-minute tremor sweeps through island

Scientists and earthquake watchers said to have never seen something similar in their lives after spotting an “odd” signal just 15 miles off the coast of Mayotte, a French island located between Madagascar and the coasts of Mozambique. On November 11 monitors picked up a signal that lasted for more than 20 minutes. Despite being similar to those typically seen after large earthquakes, there wasn't a major quake recorded before the stange signal - and no human felt them. 

Göran Ekström, a seismologist at Columbia University who specialises in unusual , told National Geographic: “I don't think I've seen anything like it.

“It doesn't mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic.”

Earthquake enthusiasts worryingly checked their seismograph readings, which showed them “unusual signals”, as put by one social media user called matarikipax.

Upon publishing the readings, they wrote: “This is a most odd and unusual seismic signal.”   

indian ocean earthquake tremor mystery november 11

Scientists picked up a 20-minute long tremor near Mayotte (Image: GETTY/GOOGLE MAPS)

The conversation became quickly lively among earthquake watchers around the world, as the waves were felt in Zambia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Chile, New Zealand and Canada, and went as far as 11,000 miles away from the little island, in Hawaii.

The waves were considered even more mysterious after scientists defined them as “monochromatic”. 

This means the signal they sent was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave repeating itself every 17 seconds. Most earthquakes send out waves with different frequencies.

Anthony Lomax, an independent seismology consultant, said: “It's like you have colored glasses and are just seeing red or something.” 

indian ocean earthquake tremor mystery november 11

Anthony Lomax published on the social media platform his own readings showing a 'monochrome' wave (Image: TWITTER/ANTHONY LOMAX)

Mr Lomax also published on Twitter his own readings, confirming the monochromatic nature of the waves.

He wrote: “SBV, like the other stations, shows long monochromatic signal with ~17s period (mono-freq Rayleigh waves?).

“But filtered above 1Hz SBV (lower plot) also shows seismic(?) signals from repeating sources, with some ~50s apart. Maybe some large, shallow, oscillating volcanic source?” 

Many theories followed the long tremor, with some arguing the waves could be the consequence of a meteor strike and other saying they likely come after an underwater volcanic eruption.  

indian ocean earthquake tremor mystery november 11

The waves were spotted just 15 miles off Mayotte (Image: GETTY)

However, researchers working with the French Geological Survey (BRGM) believe it is more likely the waves are the result of a signal that magma beneath the volcanic island is shifting offshore. 

BRMG had previously noticed that, since mid-July, the island has slid more than 2.4 inches to the east and 1.2 inches to the south.

This helped them estimate there is a magma body measuring about a third of a cubic mile sliding its way through the subsurface near Mayotte.

Other experts said they could be the result of a slow earthquake that went unnoticed.

Scientists are now planning to survey the ocean to dig out more information regarding the mysterious waves. 

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