France ATTACKS Netherlands over Hanseatic League: ‘You’ll NEVER have France on your side!’

FRANCE hit out at The Netherlands after Amsterdam launched an alliance of smaller northern European economies, warning the creations of “closed clubs” could lead to internal divisions in the European Union and alienate Paris’ support.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

France must say no to economic migration says Bruno Le Maire

Bruno Le Maire, the French economy minister, told his Dutch counterpart Wopke Hoekstra he was “not comfortable” dealing with the so-called Hanseatic League. Paris believes the creation of a club within another club, the EU, could be harmful to the strength of the Union. He told the Financial Times: “Let’s imagine that tries to create a club of the southern countries with Portugal, Italy, Spain. 

I am not comfortable with the idea of creating new circles, new clubs, new leagues within Europe

Bruno Le Maire

“What would be the reaction of the other member states?

“Do you think that it would be a positive one?

“Do you think it would improve the situation of ?

“I am not comfortable with the idea of creating new circles, new clubs, new leagues within Europe. 

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France branded the Hanseatic League a risk for the EU (Image: GETTY)

“If you want to create new divisions between the north and the south, or the west and east, you will never have France on your side.”

The group, which first emerged in 2017, sees eight countries including Ireland and Baltic economies agreeing on the need of more national responsibility and stronger rules in the eurozone.

The Hanseatic League, taking the name from the famous group of northern states that dominated commercial activity in northern Europe from the 13th to the 15th century, is also opposing to some Franco-German initiatives, such as a blueprint of a eurozone budget. 


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Bruno Le Maire told members of the Hanseatic League France will never have their side (Image: GETTY)

This year alone, the League issued three common position papers.   

The one agreed in July urged EU governments to make progress on building a truly integrated financial market in Europe.

But rather than reinforcing the EU, this League is putting its survival at risk, according to Mr Le Maire.

He said: “I’m not sure the Hanseatic League would be in a position to face the competition with China and the US. 

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Mark Rutte, The Netherlands' prime minister (Image: GETTY)

“If we are creating closed clubs, alliances within the EU then we run the risk of losing time and weakening our common project.”

However, diplomats from the countries member of the Hanseatic League say the club allows smaller countries to exercise their collective influence in Brussels.

And, they added, it is frowned upon by France because it has consolidating opposition to key policies supported by Paris, such as more common spending tools for the eurozone.  

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