Trudeau mocks Trump for saying it was too rainy to turn out and honour the war dead

JUSTIN Trudeau braved the weather to pay an emotional tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives in World War 1, a move that fuelled criticism of Donald Trump after he didn't show up to a commemoration because of the rain.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Justin Trudeau honours war heroes in the rain on Armistice Day

Canada’s prime minister paid the nation’s respects to fallen soldiers on Saturday at the Vimy Ridge War Memorial, a memorial in northeastern dedicated to the Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during World War 1. Mr Trudeau shunned an umbrella and let the pouring rain soak him as he delivered a speech to veterans and families of war victims. He said: "As we sit here in the rain, thinking how uncomfortable we must be these minutes as our suits get wet and our hair gets wet and our shoes get wet, I think it's all the more fitting that we remember on that day, in Dieppe, the rain wasn't rain — it was bullets." 

Mr Trudeau’s speech came as, on the same day, Mr and his wife cancelled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, 50 miles away from Paris.

According to the White House, the steady rain and low cloud ceiling prevented the US president’s helicopter from travelling to the site.

Washington said in a statement: "Their attendance has been cancelled due to scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather”.

The White House added that a delegation led by Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired general, replaced Mr Trump at the ceremony.


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Justin Trudeau braved the rain to pay an emotional tribute to solders on Saturday (Image: GETTY)

The decision to cancel the visit was fiercely attacked by social media users and politicians, with Nicholas Soames, Tory MP for Mid Sussex and grandson of Winston Churchill, going as far as branding Mr Trump “pathetic inadequate”.

Mr Soames wrote on Twitter: “They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen #hesnotfittorepresenthisgreatcountry”

The tweet, which received more than 113,000 likes and was shared more than 38,000 times, echoed the mood of many Twitter users.

One shared a picture of Mr Trump playing golf under the rain, adding: “So Trump can play golf in the rain, but can't go out and honour the troops in the rain?”

Another said to be “beyond mad” at Mr Trump’s no-show, writing: “My grandfather, USGG WWII, Navy WWI died wet and injured in the Atlantic Ocean 9/14/44. 

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Justin Trudeau visited the Vimy Ridge War Memorial (Image: GETTY)

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Winston Churchill's grandson branded Donald Trump 'inadequate' (Image: TWITTER)

“#NeverForget William Franklin Waters. Wet and injured!! On a life raft!

“Beyond mad that POTUS skipped the ceremony!”

Other politicians chimed in, including Tory Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood and Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Mr Ellwood, who was a captain in the Royal Green Jackets, wrote on Twitter: “Rain was a regular feature on the Western Front.

“Thankfully it did not prevent our brave heroes from doing their job.” 

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Donald Trump visited France over the weekend (Image: GETTY)

Ms Sturgeon said: “None of this is surprising. Doesn’t make it any less dismaying.

“It’s worth a trip in a limo and a few words from under a tarpaulin.”

Commons Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, Tom Tugendhat, a Tory MP who was an Army colonel, said: “All I’ll say is I spent four years in Afghanistan and I don’t remember operations being cancelled when it rained, I don’t remember us refusing to soldier because the weather was inclement.”

Mr Trump, who is the commander in chief of the US armed forces, didn’t serve in the Army, like his predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

World leaders including Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Mr Trump and Mr Trudeau gathered in Paris on Sunday, where French president Emmanuel Macron honoured the 100th anniversary of the end of by attacking nationalism.

Speaking from a podium at the Arc de Triomphe, he said: “By saying ‘our interests first. Who cares about the others?’ we erase what nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great, and what is essential: its moral values.”   

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