Politicians caught in FIST FIGHT over Christian woman saved from the death row - VIDEO

A FIST FIGHT erupted in the Pakistani parliament over a Christian woman saved from a death row blasphemy conviction, a shocking video shows.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Pakistan: Politicians brawl after woman saved from death row

Elected members of the ruling hall were caught on camera pushing, manhandling and even dealing blows at each other.

The focus of the fight was Asia Bibi, a woman saved from the hangman by a ruling of the country’s Supreme Court, which ordered her release after she spent eight years on death row.

But this decision infuriated hard-line Islamists, who took their outrage to the streets and have been holding nation-wide protests since last Wednesday, when Ms Bibi was freed. 


As thousands flooded the streets, many held up signs demanding to “hang Asia”. 

The brawl in the National Assembly in Islamabad between members of government and opposition parties came after politicians led by prime minister Imran Khan entered negotiations with leaders from the Tehreek-e-Labbayk party, which led the protests. 

Their talks ended with the agreement to impose a travel ban on the woman by putting her on the Exit Control List and have the Court hearing a "review petition" in a bid to overturn the acquittal. 


Asia Bibi case: Pakistani politicians were caugth up in a fist fight in parliament

Asia Bibi case: Pakistani politicians were caugth up in a fist fight in parliament (Image: GETTY)

The decision of issuing the travel ban was taken after Ms Bibi’s lawyer, Saif-ul-Malook, fled to Holland on Saturday - claiming the European Union and the United Nations (UN) made him leave the country “against my wishes”.

Mr Malook said he has become a “prime target” of hard-liners’ violence following Ms Bibi’s acquittal.  

In the wake of the violence, he contacted UN officials in Islamabad - who, he said, put him on a plane after telling him his life was in “imminent danger”. 

Speaking at a press conference in The Hague, he said: “And then they (the UN) and the European nation ambassadors in Islamabad, they kept me for three days and then put me on a plane against my wishes.

“I pressed them that I would not leave the country unless I get Asia out of the prison. 

Asia Bibi case: People took to the streets after Ms Bibi was released

Asia Bibi case: People took to the streets after Ms Bibi was released (Image: GETTY)

Imran Khan

Asia Bibi case: Imran Khan was urged to back the Supreme Court's decision (Image: GETTY)

“I am not happy to be here without her, but everybody said that you are the prime target at the moment and the whole world is taking care of Asia Bibi. 

“They were of the view that I was the prime target to be killed, and that my life was in imminent danger.

“For three days they did not let me open the door, one day I called the French ambassador and said I do not want to be here.”

The lawyer arrived in Europe over the weekend, helped by the HVC Foundation, a Dutch group that focuses on the human rights of Christian minorities.  

Asia Bibi case: Footage show politicians fighting in parliament

Asia Bibi case: Footage show politicians fighting in parliament (Image: NC)

Mr Khan has been urged to publicly support the Supreme Court's acquittal of Ms Bibi and ensure her safe travel out of the country to seek asylum by human right organisation Amnesty International UK.  

Amnesty International’s South Asia Deputy Director, Omar Waraich, said: “Imran Khan must uphold the Supreme Court’s acquittal of Asia Bibi and facilitate her immediate release and her safe travel with her family to another country where she may wish to seek asylum. His Government must make clear that Pakistan will not bow to pressure from violent mobs. 

“Khan swept to power earlier this year on promises to restore the rule of law, to champion the oppressed and marginalised, and to deliver justice.

"His party is, after all, called the Movement for Justice. But what does that even mean when, in the space of just two days, he went from warning the mob against using violence, to bowing to their demands?

Asia Bibi case: One of Ms Bibi's daughters and her husband

Asia Bibi case: One of Ms Bibi's daughters and her husband (Image: GETTY)

“He should now reverse his position again and return to his original stance of supporting the rule of law. 

“Asia Bibi has been through eight years of torment, she should be allowed to travel to safety, rather than being dished up to a baying mob.”  

 in November 2010 after she offered a glass of her water to fellow farm workers.  

As the mother-of-five is a Christian, the water was deemed "unclean" by some, which accused her of insulting the Prophet Muhammad. 

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