Midterm elections 2018: Why Trump trade wars with China and EU WON’T affect the vote

DONALD Trump’s raging trade wars won’t affect next week’s vote despite them being a major sticking point as the majority of Americans are more affected by other issues, an expert said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

US midterms: Polls suggest HUGE gender gap says analyst

Only certain regions have been directly affected by the effects of the trade wars launched by Mr Trump, which makes them an issue not many Americans will consider while casting the ballot, according to Marianne Schneider Petsinger, Geoeconomics Fellow in the Chatham House’s US and Americas Programme.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, she said: “For certain region and sectors in the US, the trade war is a factor but overall it has never been a primary concern for voters.

“It surely isn’t one of the top issue, Americans in 2018 are mostly interested in what their representatives and senators will do with the health care and the Supreme Court.” 


According to the World Economic Forum, in the top five issues US voters were most interested in in early 2018 were the economy, taxes, terrorism and global threats, foreign policy, immigration. 

However, Ms Schneider conceded that despite not being a “major driver of the elections”, trade wars have become more prominent than in the past because of the attention given them by the country’s president.

She said: “Compared to previous elections, has much more prominent considering Washington’s behaviour.”

Only a handful of regions are directly affected by the aggressive protectionist policies launched by the US, the expert continued. 

midterm election 2018 donald trump news trade war china

Midterm election 2018: Donald Trump's trade war won't affect the vote, it was claimed (Image: GETTY)


Among them, there is Wisconsin, whose first district’s representative is the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, where Harley Davidson’s headquarters are based. 

The leading motorcycle maker has been heavily affected by the tariffs issued by Brussels on June 22 in response to levies imposed by Mr Trump on steel and aluminium imports.

According to the manufacturer, the spiked tariffs, which went from six to 31 percent, translated into a cost of around £1,700 per motorcycle exported to the European Union.

This led the company to move production abroad, effectively terminating the employment of hundreds of US workers. 

midterm election 2018 donald trump news trade war china

Midterm election 2018: Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House (Image: GETTY)

midterm elections 2018 donald trump news trade war china

Midterm elections 2018: US voters will vote on November 6 (Image: GETTY)

US voters will head to the polling stations on November 6 to elect 435 people in the House of Representatives and 35 senators.

The midterm elections, which take the name after the fact they take place half-way through the presidential mandate, are seen as a test for the Trump administration, who could lose the majority in the Senate and in the House.

Such a scenario could cripple the Republican’s chance of carrying on with their reforms, including the dismantling of the much-debated health reform created by his predecessor Barack Obama, dubbed 'Obama Care'. 

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