Germany warns EU is being ‘left behind’ as China RISES to be global economic leader

GERMANY issued a rallying cry to the European Union to push forward with economic growth to avoid losing out to burgeoning China.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Donald Trump: We have been RIPPED OFF by China

Michael Clauss, Germany’s former ambassador to , warned the EU it was looking “tired” against Beijing’s staggering growth.

The 28th anniversary of the German reunification, today, will be used by Mr Clauss to rouse the to action, giving them a reality check on the economic state of the union, during his ceremonial speech.

Mr Clauss will say: “After 200 years of absence, China returns as the major global player, both economically and politically.

“Compared to China’s dynamic, Europe sometimes appears to be a bit tired and exhausted.” 

Compared to China’s dynamic, Europe sometimes appears to be a bit tired and exhausted

Michael Clauss

Speaking at the Royal Museum for Art and History in Brussels, Mr Clauss will also cite evidence showing Europe is being “left behind” in innovation and sustainable economic success.

He will add: “We are facing enormous strategic challenges as a result of the Sino-Asian rise, politically as well as economically.

“Today, China is the most important driver of globalisation, even the locomotive of the world economy.

“However, this is not a globalisation that corresponds with our European concept of a rules-based international order. 

eu news china economy european union germany

Germany's former ambassador to China warned the EU is looking 'tired' against Beijing's growth (Image: GETTY)

“Rather, it becomes more and more obvious that it is a globalisation with Chinese characteristics.”

Mr Clauss will also argue the EU must become “more united” to remain a leading player in the world.

He will say: “Only then will we be able to preserve our position in the world, our values, our economic foundations — in short, our European way of life.

“Only then can we continue to be a global player and on par with the US and China.

“If our cohesion is undermined, we will all end up losing. 

eu news china economy european union germany

China has returned as a major global player after 200 years of absence, the ambassador said (Image: GETTY)

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping, China's president (Image: GETTY)

“Perhaps broadening the perspective brings the current internal problems like the relocation of refugees or the reform of the eurozone into due perspective thus making it easier to find solutions.” 

This is not the first time Mr Clauss warns about the dangers of what looks like China’s unstoppable growth.

In late 2017 he argued Beijing’s success would lead to a change of the global economic outlook.

He said: “We cannot deny the various indications looming on the horizon that conditions for foreign businesses in China are changing and apparently not in a positive direction. 

eu news china economy european union germany

Beijing’s success could lead to a change of the global economic outlook, the ambassador said (Image: GETTY)

“China’s economic success story will obviously lead to more competition in our economic relations.

“However, it has to be noted that the increased competition is not always based on fair and equitable conditions for all market players.

“More and more German companies approach the embassy and express their grievances.” 

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