Brett Kavanaugh’s handwriting reveals he’s PARANOID and IRRITABLE - expert says

BRETT Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, shows signs of “irritability” and paranoia according to a handwriting analyst who has studied his writing.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Kavanaugh: Ford's allegations have destroyed my life and career

Three women have now come forward to accuse Mr Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, as private details of his life are made public during investigations which have now been passed on to the FBI.

Even his handwriting came under the spotlights, as during his televised testimony he showed to the cameras his calendar with handwritten notes of 1982, the year when he allegedly assaulted Dr Christine Blasey Ford, his accuser.

Certain words gave away some of Mr Kavanaugh’s personality traits, according to Jamie Cohen, a handwriting analyst.

Pointing out the way the accused wrote lower case ‘d’s, Mr Cohen argued they may signal the presence of “paranoia” in his personality. 

He said: “The big loops in lower case ‘d’s show an exaggerated sensitivity to criticism of himself.

“They pertain to sensitivity about how he is perceived by others and fear of disapproval.”

This writing style, paired up with what Mr Cohen described as an “above average pressure of writing on the page, would show Mr Kavanaugh “hold grudges, doesn’t forget a perceived slight”, the expert said.

Mr Kavanaugh, who is a conservative federal appeals court judge, also looks “irritable” and with a “temper” in his handwriting, the expert pointed out. 

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: Mr Kavanaugh's handwriting reveals traits of his personality

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: Mr Kavanaugh's handwriting reveals traits of his personality (Image: GETTY)

Mr Cohen explained people with an irritability trait in their personality put “dots on top of 'i's that look like scratches rather than dots”, just like Mr Kavanaugh did in his calendar.

And the judge’s “temper" would be showed by his tendency to put “t-bar stem to the right of the t-bar”, Mr Cohen added.

Mr Kavanaugh would also be prone to “putting up an emotional barrier”, Mr Cohen’s said, as the judge also used printed writing in certain parts of his calendar.

This would show he “doesn't want you to really know him”, Mr Cohen said.

One last trait noticed by Mr Cohen in the judge is “self-deception”. 

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: His handwriting could signal he is 'paranoid', expert says

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: His handwriting could signal he is 'paranoid', expert says (Image: GETTY)

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: Dr Ford accused the judge of sexual misconduct

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: Dr Ford accused the judge of sexual misconduct (Image: GETTY)

The expert said: “The initial loop in middle-zone circular letter reveals a tendency of lying to self.

“This is more significant than lying to others because self-deception reveals fears he may believe his own deceptions.”

Mr Kavanaugh was chosen by Mr for the life-long role of Supreme Court judge in July.

But his candidacy, who was not welcomed by Democrats in the first place, could be rejected by the US Senate if the freshly-launched FBI investigation finds him guilty of sexual misconduct.

Dr Ford accused, in an emotional statement delivered in front of the 21 members of the US Supreme Judiciary Court, Mr Kavanaugh of drunkenly groping her when they were both in high school. 

Brett Kavanaugh hearings

Brett Kavanaugh hearings: The judge could be prone to 'putting up an emotional barrier' (Image: GETTY)

The committee heard Dr Ford revealing she was afraid he would “rape her and kill her by accident” as he used his strength on her to force the young woman onto a bed.

Two more women, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, accused Mr Kavanaugh of sexual misconducts.

However,, provided that the FBI opened a file on this case.

Following the FBI investigation, which the committee demanded to last up to a week, Mr Kavanaugh’s nomination will be approved or voted down by the full Senate where the Republicans hold a majority.  

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