Angela Merkel’s foreign minister attacks Germans for being ‘lazy’ against racism

GERMANY’S foreign minister accused his fellow countrymen of being lazy when it comes to battling racism and argued new generations are “taking democracy for granted”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Germany riots: Arrests made at hostile anti-migrant rally

In a rare attack on German voters, Heiko Maas urged people of all ages to stand up for vital rights, in the wake of violent protests in Chemnitz.

Right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the anti-Islam group PEGIDA , after a German was stabbed to death in the city, allegedly by two migrants.

Up to 11,000 people took part in the protests, which took aim at Angela Merkel’s leadership, as well as counter protests in support of immigration.

Ms Maas told weekly Bild am Sonntag: “We have to get off the couch and open our mouths. 

We have to get off the couch and open our mouths

Heiko Maas

“Our generation was given freedom, rule of law and democracy as a present.

“We didn't have to fight for it.

“Now we're taking it too much for granted.”

The anti-immigration protest was attended by some 8,000 people.

Leftist groups organised a counter-demonstration, attended by approximately 3,000 people. 

Germany news: Heiko Maas accused Germans of being lazy when it comes to battling racism

Germany news: Heiko Maas accused Germans of being lazy when it comes to battling racism (Image: GETTY)

Mr Maas had already invited his fellow countrymen to stand up against racist behaviours earlier this week, after police launched an investigation into two officers suspected to have performed the Nazi salute.

Taking his outrage to Twitter, he wrote on Saturday night: “When people are once again roaming our streets with the Hitler salute, our history mandates us to stand up for democracy.

“We must show our face against neo-Nazis and anti-Semites.

“The silent majority must finally get louder.” 

Germany news: More than 8,000 people attended an anti-immigration march yesterday in Chemnitz

Germany news: More than 8,000 people attended an anti-immigration march yesterday in Chemnitz (Image: GETTY)

Germany far-right protests: Several people injured in Chemnitz

Police said in a statement on Saturday the two policemen had been accused by an anonymous witness to have shouted anti-immigrant remarks and made the salute in a pub in the Bavarian city of Rosenheim on Thursday.

According to Germany’s laws, it is illegal to perform the Nazi salute or exhibit symbols celebrating the former deadly regime.

Justice Minister Katarina Barley told the Bild am Sonntag: “We will not allow the extreme right to infiltrate our society.”

The AfD, which entered the German Parliament for the first time in history after last year’s election, has branded Islam incompatible with the German constitution and Germany’s customs, and has often attacked Angela Merkel’s immigration policy. 

Angela Merkel

Germany news: Angela Merkel's liberal immigration policy was criticised by her interior minister (Image: GETTY)

The German Chancellor’s “open borders” policy has led Berlin to take in more than 1.6million people over the last four years.

And it almost brought Ms Merkel’s to her knees, as it created a rift with her interior minister, Horst Seehofer.

In late June, Mr Seehofer threatened to quit the cabinet if Ms Merkel didn’t agree on clamping down immigration.

The pair reached an agreement on July 2, when Mr Seehofer said: “After intensive discussions between the CDU and CSU we have reached an agreement on how we can in future prevent illegal immigration on the border between Germany and Austria.”   

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