Bali earthquake sees Lombok RISE by nearly ONE FOOT, Nasa scientists find

THE Indonesia earthquake series that struck Lombok and Bali has caused the island of Lombok to RISE by 10 inches.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Nearly 400 people were killed when a number of earthquakes hit the area, with the biggest, on Sunday August 5, measuring 6.9 magnitude.

It hit Lombok but was felt in neighbouring Bali with buildings destroyed and a number of people also dying as a result of the tremor.

Scientists from NASA and the California Institute of Technology found Lombok has risen by 25cm (10 inches).

They used satellite images to create a ground deformation map in order to measure any changes to the island following the earthquake.

NASA said in a statement: “From the pattern of deformation in the map, scientists have determined that the earthquake fault slip was on a fault between the northwestern part of Lombok Island, and it caused as much as 10 inches (25cm) of uplift of the ground surface.

“White areas in the image are places where the radar measurement was not possible, largely due to dense forest in the middle of the islands.”

The northwest of the island, close to the epicentre of the quake, has been lifted by 25 centimetres (10 inches). 

In other places on the island, the level has dropped by 5cm (two inches) to 15cm (six inches).

Map of movement and Lombok rubble

A ground deformation map shows the rise and fall of areas in Lombok (Image: NASA/AFP)

Ground deformation Map

This map shows the rise of some areas of nearly 1ft (Image: NASA)

These observations can help with responses to future earthquakes or disasters said NASA.

The death toll has continued to rise since the quake struck and as of August 11 stands at 387 according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency.

Collapsing roofs and walls caused the majority of casualties from the quake.

Rescue teams continue to search amongst the rubble for victims of the horrific earthquake, hampered by the hundreds of aftershocks that have followed.

There have been more than 500 aftershocks, and three strong earthquakes in just over a week.

Disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said: “It’s estimated the death toll will continue to grow because there are still victims who are suspected of being buried by landslides and collapsed buildings and there are deaths that have not been recorded.”

Almost 10 percent of Lombok’s population, 390,000 people, have been made homeless or are unable to return home after the earthquake.

Red Cross representative Husni Husni said: “A lot of people are displaced, and many have migrated to the hilly and mountainous areas because of fear of a tsunami.”

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There have been an estimated 68,000 homes destroyed, and three districts in the north of Lombok are yet to receive any assistant said Nugroho.

The emergency response period has been extended - and will now last for three weeks ending on August 25.

“The emergency response period is three weeks. After the three weeks, we will transition to the recovery process,” Indonesian Tourism Minister Arief Yahya explained in Jakarta on Tuesday.

However, for some on the island of Lombok, it is business as usual, as makeshift mosques and markets are being erected for some normality.

Woman carrying her belongings

Many residents were made homeless following the devastating quake (Image: EPA)

Lombok and Bali are popular tourist destinations, and many tourists have since fled the islands following the massive earthquake.

Earthquakes are common in Indonesia due to its place on the explosive ‘Ring of Fire’.

The ring of fire is a horseshoe-shaped arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Ocean where around 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur.

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