Burka ban PROTEST: Protestors march after first burka FINE handed out in Denmark

DANISH Muslim women have taken to the street today to protest against the first fine given for wearing a burka in public - while in the UK the row on Boris Johnson’s comments on the full-face veil continues.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Jacob Rees-Mogg on Boris in burka row: May is 'clearly wrong'

Thousands of women took to the streets of Copenaghen after a Muslim woman became the first victim of the new Danish law banning burkas in public.

The 1000 kroner (£120) fine was given on August 3 to a 28-year-old who refused to remove the veil after being asked by police officers.

The incident took place at a shopping centre in Horsholm, 25km north of Copenhagen.

The ruling that prompted the punishment came into effect on August 1. 

I would go further and say that is it absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes

Boris Johnson

The law says that "anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine”.

While it doesn’t openly speaks of burkas or niqabs, the new measure has been seen by many as a discriminatory move against them.

The protest against the new law didn’t take place only in the streets but also on the runway.

Danish designer Reza Etamadi made a political statement at the Copenhagen Fashion Week, which ended today, letting her models walking down the catwalk wearing burkas and niqabs alongside police officers. 

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Burka ban protest: Thousands of women protested against the new Danish law banning burkas in public (Image: REUTERS)

The main difference between a burka and a niqab is that the latter doesn’t cover the eyes of the woman wearing it, but still hides the rest of her face.

The protests come while Britain is also facing a row focused on burkas.

In one of the articles written for his new column for the Daily Telegraph, former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Muslim wearing wearing face coverings “look like letter boxes”.

He wrote: “If you tell me that the burka is oppressive, then I am with you. 

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A woman was given a 1000 kroner (£120) fine for wearing a burka in Denmark (Image: REUTERS)

“If you say that it is weird and bullying to expect women to cover their faces, then I totally agree - and I would add that I can find no scriptural authority for the practice in the Koran.

“I would go further and say that is it absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes.”

In the op-ed, Mr Johnson was arguing against the UK following the example of Denmark and banning the burkas.

But he still said he expected women to remove the face coverings in certain places, such as schools and universities. 

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Boris Johnson said Muslim wearing wearing face coverings 'look like letter boxes' (Image: REUTERS)

The Uxbridge and South Ruislip MP received a major backlash for his comment and is facing a Conservative Party disciplinary panel investigation that could see him suspended or expelled from the party.

Prime Minister Theresa May weighed into the row, calling on the MP to apologise for the comments and said politicians have to be “very careful” about the language they use.

However, Mr Johnson’s comment was appreciated by others, including Nigel Farage, who told him he has “nothing to apologise for”.  

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