Has #tunagate been solved? Head found in tin of fish is 'tongue-eating parasite'

IT set the internet abuzz in a mystery dubbed #tunagate - and now scientists believe the peculiar head found in a tin of fish is actually a TONGUE-EATING parasite.

Zoe Butler and the head she found in a tin of Princes tuna chunksSWNS

Zoe Butler found this 'grim' head in a tin of tuna

Zoe Butler, 28, made the "grim" discovery when she opened a tin of Princes tuna chunks and found a tiny pink head with black eyes staring up at her.

Pictures of the gross find soon began circulating the internet, with many social networking users baffled by the tiny monster.

But now the mystery appears to have been solved after the Natural History Museum said the head probably belonged to a Cymothoa exigua, or a tongue-eating louse.

The tiny creature lives inside a fish by entering through its gills before attaching itself to its host's tongue.

Stuart Hine, Identification and Advisory Service manager, from the Natural History Museum, in London, said: “From what I can see I would support the head of a Tongue-eating louse, Cymothoa exigua, or similar.

“I think these are associates of smaller fish than Tuna and fish that tuna eat.

“We could undoubtedly say more if presented with the specimen."

The small pink head with black eyes found in a tin of tunaSWNS

The internet has been set abuzz with speculation over the mysterious creature

Mrs Butler, who works as a clerical officer, purchased the can of tuna earlier this month from an Asda in Arnold, Nottingham.

She described how she "jumped back" and "screamed a bit" when making the disgusting discovery.

"I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing, a gut sack or intestine – then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me,” she told the Nottingham Post.

I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look

Zoe Butler

"It's got like a spiny tail along the bottom – it's quite grim.

"I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look."

However, while the photo may have made the rounds on the internet, Mrs Butler said she has not told her children about the fishy find because she does not want them to be put off eating tuna.

She added: "I just want to find out what it is and to make sure it doesn't happen to somebody else.

"I didn't set out to get compensation and I don't a want lifetime's supply of tuna!"

Her grandmother, Susan Goddard, 69, said: "It's a little red and has eyes, bright black, looking at you. We did manage to ascertain that it was dead.

"All I can see from the picture is a body and the eyes are very prominent. The legs have been chopped off during the process."

Small pink head black eyes found in a tin of tunaSWNS

Experts say the head could belong to a tongue-eating louse

Others have speculated that the tiny creature could be the foetus of a blowfish, a tadpole, a copepod or the head of a soft-shelled turtle.

Some have even said that it could be some sort of alien.

However, Princes have since been in contact with Mrs Butler and told her that the mysterious critter is a Megalopa - a very small immature crab.

Tuna fish are known to prey on the tiny creature and according to Princes, the crab poses no food safety risks.

When the news first broke, a spokesman for Princes said: "We were contacted by Mrs Butler and immediately responded to apologise."

An Asda spokeswoman said an investigation had been launched, which they are awaiting the outcome of.

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