Moment dangerous volcano in Mexico violently erupts blasting ash 1000 metres into the sky

El Popocatépetl is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

El Popocatépetl.

El Popocatépetl is one of the most dangerous volcanos in the world. (Image: Twitter/@pciviledomex)

A in central has erupted hurling debris thousands of feet into the air. El Popocatépetl is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico, and erupts will relative frequency.

Pictures of the latest eruption show huge clouds of ash towering over the 17,802 foot peak. Footage of the eruption appears to show several explosions over the course of yesterday evening, when El Popocatépetl began erupting.

Ash clouds billowed about 3,200 feet (1,000 metres) over the volcano, which began erupting yesterday evening. It is only 43 miles from Mexico City, home to more than 21 million people. Overall, more than 30 million people live within 50km of the volcano.

El Popocatépetl erupts regularly with multiple major eruptions recorded since the 1500s.

Plinian eruptions, which are characterised by violent explosions which catapult ash into the stratosphere, are much more rare with the last one at El Popocatépetl occurring around 800 AD.

If such an eruption occurred today, it could cause widespread destruction, according to the US Geological Society (USGS).

"The last such eruption at Popocatepetl was around A.D. 800. The eruption destroyed nearby settlements and culminated in mudflows that blanketed the Puebla Valley. An eruption of this magnitude today would endanger hundreds of thousands of lives," the USGS said on its website.

In 2000, the volcano saw its most powerful eruption in at least 400 years. The mountain exploded sending glowing red rocks showering down as far as six miles away.

Although no one was hurt in that eruption, authorities urged villagers living near the mountain to evacuate fearing a more powerful explosion.

El Popocatépetl.

El Popocatépetl has been spewing ash and toxic fumes for nearly 30 years. (Image: Twitter/@pciviledomex)

For the last 30 years, the volcano has been persistently spewing ash and toxic fumes, leading authorities to prohibit climbers from getting within 7.5 miles of the peak.

Last year in June, a woman died while climbing in the restricted area of El Popocatépetl when she fell into a gully about 1,000 feet from the crater.

Her climbing partner was injured in the fall, but ended up being rescued. Authorities identified the woman as a 22-year-old from a nearby town.

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