Close Trump ally Nikki Haley teases 2024 run saying the 'survival of America' is at stake

With all eyes on the 2024 presidential election, Nikki Haley, ambassador to the UN under former president Trump, has strongly hinted that she will throw her hat in the ring.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Nikki Haley: UN Ambassador role has been 'honour of a lifetime'

In a surprise development, Republican Nikki Haley gave strong signs that she is considering running in the 2024 presidential election. This is despite previously stating she would never run against long-time ally . It comes as Trump's vice grip on the Republican party appears to be weakening, paving the way for an unpredictable Republican race.

The former South Carolina Governor didn't outright announce that she was in the running for 2024, however she claimed she could be "the leader" to move the GOP in a new direction and told people to "stay tuned".

"I'm not going to make an announcement here, but when you are looking at a run for president, you look at two things," Haley told Bret Baier on Fox News.

"You first look at does the current situation push for new leadership? The second question is, am I that person that could be that new leader? Yes, we need to go in a new direction."

She added: "Can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader."

Ambassador Haley then lauded her credentials as Governor of South Carolina where she claimed to have turned the state into "the beast from the southeast", pulling it out of double digit unemployment.

Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley has hinted that she will throw her hat in the ring for 2024. (Image: GETTY)

Donald Trump.

Nikki Haley is a close ally of Donald Trump, who she would have to face if she runs. (Image: GETTY)

However, Haley's entrance into a presidential primary battle would pit her against her long-time ally Donald Trump who has already declared his 2024 candidacy.

In 2021, AP reporter Meg Kinnard asked Nikki Haley if she would support a Trump 2024 bid, she answered "yes".

"I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about that," Haley said at the time.

She added: "That's something that we will have a conversation about at some point."

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Nikki Haley at the UN.

Nikki Haley was Ambassador to the United Nations under Donald Trump. (Image: GETTY)

Now, it appears that Haley may have changed her mind in supporting the former president whose campaign has gotten off to a slow start amid a slew of legal woes. She took a swipe at the age of many leaders in Washington and said it was time for a "new generation" to govern.

Haley said: "I had a great working relationship with the president, I appreciate all the foreign policy issues we worked on together, but what I'll tell you is the survival of America matters and it's bigger than one person.

"When you are looking at the future of America, I think it's time for new, generational change. I don't think you need to be 80-years-old to be a leader in DC. I think we need a young generation to come in, step up and really start fixing things."

She added that when she made the remarks about backing the former president it was before a number of issues arose including: "surrendering to Afghanistan", high inflation and crime as well as "drugs infesting all of our states".

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Nikki Haley and Ted cruz.

Nikki Haley tied with Ted Cruz in a recent poll, winning just 2 percent of the vote. (Image: GETTY)

Haley, 51, is much younger than her former boss Trump who is 76 and President Joe Biden at 80. If she did win the Republican Primary she would be the first woman and American of Indian descent to clinch the Republican nomination.

Although Haley may be considering running, she is seen by many analysts as a long shot. In a Morning Consult survey of 3,763 potential Republican primary voters, Nikki Haley came in fifth tying with Texas Senator Ted Cruz at two percent of the vote.

The overall leader in that poll - by far - was Donald Trump who received 48 percent of the vote while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came second at 31 percent.

However, it appears Nikki Haley is undeterred by the numbers, telling Bret Baier: "May the best woman win."

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