Joe Biden documents scandal branded 'embarrassment' by own party as Dem civil war brews

Joe Biden is fighting fires as his own party decry the "embarrassment" caused by the classified documents scandal - which does not appear to be going away any time soon.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Joe Biden: DC locals react to classified documents story

has been slammed over the "embarrassment" the classified document scandal has caused within the ranks of his own party. Congressional frustrated with Biden vented their anger, raising the prospect of party infighting, after classified files were found at the President's home.

"It’s an embarrassment, no doubt about it," Democrat Representative John Garamendi of California told Fox News Sunday.

He added: "Is there more to it? I doubt it, but we’ll find out from the special counsel as he goes about his business."

When asked about the perception that the Department of Justice was treating this investigation differently to the investigation into Donald Trump's handling of classified documents, Garamendi said the DOJ was on the right course.

He said: "Well, doing exactly what they’re doing now. We have a special counsel in place. The documents and the whole issue is before the special counsel, and the investigations will go forward with regard to these classified documents that were found."

He added: "I know exactly what President Biden said when he was informed that these documents were found in his office in Washington. And that was: ‘Oh,’ followed by a four-letter expletive."

Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is taking fire from all sides over the docs scandal. (Image: GETTY)

Adam Schiff.

Even Biden ally Adam Schiff said wanted answers following the scandal. (Image: GETTY)

He wasn't the only Democrat to take aim at the President. Retiring US Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan was asked on NBC's Meet the Press about Biden branding Trump "irresponsible" for his own document scandal.

Senator Stabenow said: "It's certainly embarrassing right? It’s embarrassing that you would find a small number of documents, [it's] certainly not on purpose."

However, the Senator praised the Biden Administration for cooperating with federal agencies following the discovery of the documents.

"They don’t think it’s the right thing and they have been moving to correct it, working with the Department of Justice, working with everyone involved with the [National] Archives. And so from my perspective, you know, it’s one of those moments that obviously they wish hadn’t happened," Stabenow added.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed prosecutor Robert Hur as special counsel on the investigation after he said an official probe is "in the public interest".

Last year, Attorney General Garland appointed prosecutor Jack Smith to take over the criminal investigation into the classified documents found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.

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Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the incidents. (Image: GETTY)

Even Biden ally Congressman Adam Schiff of California said that he can't "exclude the possibility" that Biden's handling of the papers endangered national security.

"I'd like to know what these documents were, I'd like to know what the intelligence community's assessment is, whether there was any risk of exposure and what the harm would be and whether any mitigation needs to be done," he said on ABC News' This Week.

Biden, 80, is facing the fallout over two sets of classified documents, including six found last week in Joe Biden's garage at his Delaware home.

That find comes two months after 10 classified documents labelled 'Top Secret' were found locked in a closet at the Penn Biden Center think tank in Washington DC.

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Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is facing his own issues over classified documents. (Image: GETTY)

Both of the retrieved bundles date back to Biden's time serving as Vice-President to Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2017.

The discovery has given ammunition to Republicans who have compared it to Donald Trump's own woes with top secret papers and some Republicans have called for a Congressional investigation to take place.

Another explosive development came to light when it was revealed that the White House knew about the documents on November 2, a full week before the midterm elections. However, it did not acknowledge the find for more than two months.

Biden has reiterated several times that his administration is cooperating with the Justice Department over the files.

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