Trump news: When is Donald Trump coming to England? Where will he visit with Melania?

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump is set to visit the UK on his first official visit since his presidency began in 2016. When is Donald Trump coming to England? Where will he visit with Melania?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is set to visit the UK this month in his first presidential visit (Image: GETTY)

Following the cancellation of his first arranged visit to the UK in February this year, President Trump will make his first official visit to the UK as president. 

The reason President Trump gave for cancelling his visit was his dislike of the relocation of the US Embassy from Mayfair to south London. 

Mr Trump tweeted of his visit cancellation: “Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. 

"Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!”

When is Donald Trump coming to England?

Following his meeting in Brussels for the NATO summit today, Mr Trump will fly into London tomorrow, Thursday, July 12. 

He will be accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump and has a packed schedule of events during his four-day visit. 

There are military events included in his itinerary, in order to emphasise the alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States. 

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Where will he visit with Melania? 

After arriving on Thursday afternoon, president Trump and the First Lady will travel straight to Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire for a black-tie dinner with Theresa May and 100 guests and ministers. 

Their visit to Blenheim Palace will begin with a military ceremony performed by Scottish, Irish and Welsh Guards. 

Those in the 100 guests invited to the dinner are representatives from the UK’s engineering, defence, food and drink sector, technology, pharmacy, financial services and creative industries.

Donald Trump and Theresa May

Donald Trump and Theresa May will have a working lunch together on Friday (Image: GETTY)

The next stop on the president’s tour of England is a helicopter journey to Winfield House, which is the American ambassador’s residence located in Regents Park. 

Friday will see a meeting between Mr Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May, as they will visit a defence site. 

This will exhibit the UK’s military discipline and “integrated US military training”. 

After witnessing the military prowess, talks on foreign policy will take place at the Mrs May’s country home Chequers. 

Mr Trump will then hold a press conference, before travelling on to Windsor Castle in order to meet with the Queen. 

After his royal appointment, the president and Mrs Trump will travel on to Scotland. 

They will spend the rest of their visit to the UK in Scotland, before flying back to the US on Sunday night. 

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