Brexit latest: Treasury ‘OVERESTIMATES’ the costs of leaving the EU, warns economist

PHILIP Hammond’s Treasury has made three major mistakes in his model for the costs of leaving the EU, which overshadowed the “very bright” prosperity for UK trade that will arrive after Brexit, a leading economist has said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

David Jones: Theresa May will not deliver a full Brexit

The Treasury’s model has “overestimated” the costs of leaving the bloc without a deal, according to Professor David Blake, teacher at Cass Business School.

The model predicts a 7.7 percent reduction in Britain's GDP if the UK maintains the existing tariffs with the rest of the world and is subjected to non-tariff barriers (NTBs) by the EU, after March 2019.

But Prof Blake believes the very starting point of this assumption is wrong.

He said: “I strongly reject the Treasury’s predictions for a number of reasons. First, NTBs are illegal under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules.

“So almost 90 percent of the projected reduction in GDP is due to the imposition of illegal NTBs. 

I strongly reject the Treasury’s predictions for a number of reasons

Professor David Blake, teacher at Cass Business School

“This will not happen.”

An the Treasury “grossly overestimated” the additional costs of Brexit, Prof Blake argued.

He said: “Of the projected reduction in GDP from NTBs, 1 percent arises from frictional border costs.

“Yet if the same border costs as in the EU’s trade deal with Switzerland are applied to the UK, these amount to just 0.12 percent of GDP, eight times lower.”

The existing model released by the Exchequer also underestimated the costs of staying in the single market, according to the economist. 

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The Treasury 'overestimated' the costs of leaving the EU, an economist said (Image: GETTY)

He argued “the single market doesn’t really exist” as services, which account for over 70 percent of the EU’s GDP and represent a major share of UK’s GDP, are still regulated by hefty trade costs.

Remaining in the single market would actually cost Britain 2 percent of its GDP, Prof Blake said.

He said: “Given that the future of the UK economy is services – 80 percent of UK GDP is in services, yet only 5 percent of UK GDP is exported to the EU as services – we should not be worried about leaving the single market.”

The economist added the Treasury underestimated also the benefits the UK would gain from reducing tariffs by leaving the customs union.

EU’s barriers on trade in food and manufactured goods currently raise their prices by 20 percent. 

brexit news treasury model no deal brexit customs union single market comment

According to Prof Blake, the Treasury's model predicting a 7.7 percent loss in GDP is wrong (Image: GETTY)

If these barriers were reduced from 20 to 10 percent following the UK leaving the bloc, the Treasury found the UK’s GDP would rise by 4 percent.

But Prof Blake argued this model, based upon the offer made by the EU, is “not good enough” for the UK.

He added: “Instead, the UK should seek a much more ambitious agreement in services either based on mutual recognition, which would allow reciprocal access, or based on the acceptance that the regulatory regimes are sufficiently equivalent or aligned.

“In particular, trade in financial services should be covered by the principle of mutual recognition and reciprocal regulatory equivalence.”

Prof Blake believes Brexit will be successful if the government will manage to cut the cost of tariff barriers to the bone.  

He said: “The lower the tariff barriers, the brighter the prospects will be.

“By leaving both the single market with its regulatory excesses and the customs union with its high tariffs on imported goods, UK GDP would increase by 6 percent – in marked contrast to the Treasury’s dire and exaggerated predictions of a 7.7 percent reduction in GDP.

“As a precedent, Australia’s trade liberalisation policy – which began in 1986 – increased Australia’s GDP by 5.4 percent.” has contacted the Treasury for comment.  

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